Chapter 46: Cousins

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Kylie's POV

Raven came back just in time for dinner. I'm quite hungry.

I'm here in the dining area.

He was holding paper bags and a bag of groceries.

"Hey, uh, I bought you clothes, you can take a shower now. I'll cook tonight, since I also bought food." Raven said and handed me the paper bags with clothes.

"Um, thanks. Did you found the hotel?" I uttered and he looked at me.

"Sorry, I haven't." He replied.

"Don't worry, I'll look again tomorrow." He added.

"Why don't we go to the police station? I'm sure they can help us, I really want to see my boyfriend." I said to him and that made him stop.

"I don't know where the police station is, I'm also a tourist here so I'm not really familiar with Bali. But I'll try to ask some people if they know where the station is." He said.

"Um, okay. I'll go and take a shower." I said and he just nodded.

"Uh, the towels are in my closet." He told me before I even leave the dining room.

I went to his room and look for towels inside his closet.

And as soon as I found one, I took it and then I went to the bathroom.

Chanyeol is right, he won't let me leave this damn place. I need to escape tonight.

I'm leaving this place today...

It's now or never.

Raven's POV

Kylie went inside the bathroom after our conversation regarding the hotel that she is looking for.

I need to do something before she get suspicious about all this.

I can't let her leave. Never.

The moment I laid my eyes on her that night in the market, I already know that she is the one I want to be with for the rest of my life.

I want to be with her forever.

Even if I have to kill her boyfriend.
She will never leave me if that happens.

I'll make sure she will never see that guy again.

"Um, Raven?"

I was busy putting the dish I cooked on the table when Kylie came to the dining room.

I can't help but admire every inch of her face and her body.

She looks really beautiful.

"Hey, you hungry?" I said to her and she nodded.

"Okay, have a sit here and let's eat." I said to her.

She took a sit and then started eating.
I sit next to her and watched her as she eats.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

"You look really pretty. I can't help it." I answered.

"Um, thanks." She sounded awkward.

Then we started eating our dinner.

"Did you like it?" I asked her as she was chewing her food.

She just nodded.

"Anyways, when we finish eating, you can get some rest and use my bed, I'll take the sofa." I said to her and she just nodded again.

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