Chapter 60

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Harry's POV

"Mum, I'm going to take a nap. Can you wake me when my friends come?" I shout.

"Yeah I will," she yells back. When I plop down into my bed, I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.


Claire's POV

"So do we wait for him or...." I trail off. Zayn puts his car in park in Harry's driveway, and turns it off after. In one swift movement, he kisses my cheek, causing me to blush madly.

"Zayn," I whine when he starts to kiss my neck, making me giggle. "Stop, please?"

"Fine, I'm going to go get him," he grins, shaking his head before unbuckling the seatbelt.

"Can I get him? I want to meet his mum." He nods his head and I step out, walking towards Harry's front door. Sharply knocking on the door, I wait for someone to answer it. Seconds later, I'm met by--who I'm guessing is--his mum.

She has the most beautiful shade of dark brown hair, just like Harrys. Her eyes are different from his though, probably gets his eye color from his dad.

"Hello sweetie," she greets me. "How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Claire Harrys fr-"

"Oh my gosh it's you!" She shouts, pulling me in her home. Wow, interior is really nice.

"I've been waiting forever to meet you." She seats me on the couch next to her. I don't know how to respond so I just let out a laugh.

"Do want something to drink?" She asks me.

"No, no I'm good," I reassure her. She lets out a sigh and moves her hair to the right side of her shoulder.

"Harry's talked so much about you ya know." She smirks at me, almost like she's telling a secret.

"Really?" I can feel my eyes widen. I never knew Harry talks about me with his mum, they must be really close.

"Yeah," she leans in towards me. "He seems to fancy you a bit." She smirks at me once more.

"No, we're just really good friends that's all," I explain to her. She looks at me and raises an eyebrow, not believing my statement.

"Sure honey, if you say so," she places a hand on my knee. "But if I were you, I'd watch how he looks when you guys talk." She says and I stand up.

"Feel free to look around, Harry's bedroom is upstairs, last door on the right." Anne tells me as she turns on her Tv.

"Alright, thank you." She looks at me and gives me a smile before returning back to her show.

As I make my way up the stairs, I take a look at the photos that are hanging oh the wall. I see an older man-guessing that's his dad, and a girl. Harry has a sister? She looks a but older than him and her hair is a light pinkish color, which soots her nicely. Harry and the girl have the same smile, nose, and dimple, which is really adorable to me.

I finally reach the end of the hallway and knock on the door. I can hear snoring coming from the other side so I'm guessing that he's sleeping right now.

"Harry, I'm going to come in now," I warn him as I open the door.

His room is surprisingly clean and organized. It's cute how he has a little place for his shoes in the corner of his room. Looking at the bed, I see Harry sleeping, his body laying flat, hands on the back of his head. I walk over to him and take in his features.

His really featured jawline, the way his adorable dimple pops out when he sleeps, the rising and falling of his chest, and his floppy curls falling into his face. Anybody would be extremely lucky to have Harry for a boyfriend. His personality is sweeter than candy, his bad jokes are somehow still humorous, and that way he laughs is just pure happiness.

"Harry?" I poke his dimple, making him stir in his sleep.

"Wake up, please," I tap his chest. His eyes flutter open and widen when he sees who it is.

"Claire? Since when did you get here?" His accent thick and raspy from his slumber. "Mum! Did you not wake me when she came!" He shouts.

"Maybe!" I hear Anne shout back, making me laugh.

"Shall we go?" I ask him. He nods and takes his phone and heads downstairs with me, passing the living room.

"Bye Anne!" I shout when Harry closes the front door and walks toward Zayn's car.

"Let's head to the mall!" Zayn shouts as he turns on the engine. Harry is sitting in the back while I sit in the front with Zayn. Zayn reaches for my hand but I pull away, embarrassed because Harry is in the car with us. I can see Zayn frown but I give him a reassuring smile as he head off to the mall.

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