Chapter 30

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Harry's POV

I've decided that I'm going to hang out with Claire and the guys for the rest of the break. I have my bag filled with my clothes, toothbrush, and the other essentials. I left a note for my mum and now I'm at Liam's front door, knocking. Claire opens the door, her hair is slightly frizzed, her body is slump, she yawns before talking.

"Hey Harry." She greets me. She rubs her eyes sleepily as she lets me in. I put my stuff down next to the other bags that are lying on the floor and sit on the couch.

"So how was the past few days?" I ask her. She looks up at me as her lips curve into a smile.

"Pretty good. How's the bruise?" She pokes my stomach.

"Ow, don't it still hurts!" I hold my stomach and fake like I'm in pain.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry." She worriedly says as I bite the inside of my cheek to stop me from laughing.

"I'm just kidding." I laugh.

"Hey." She playfully pushes me, but I don't budge.

"What should we do till the rest of them wake up?" I ask her. She walks over and turns on the game console, walks back over and hands me a controller. "You know how to play right?" She looks at me and smirks.

"You'll find out." Claire chooses the campaign then we begin to play. We're playing on opposite teams, which makes this ten times better, she already has five kills while I have two.

She is good.

We continue to play until she wins, she jumps up and down on the floor and yells out, "I win!" Which causes the boys to wake up.

"Who won?" Niall sits up, his messy hair in his eyes, he rubs his eyes and stands up.

"Me." She says proudly. Scoffing in annoyance, she sits back down when she notices my expression. "Aww is it because you lost that's why you're angry?" She coos out, her dark brown eyes boring into mine.

"No." I sweetly say. She lets out a giggle and heads to the kitchen.

"Welcome to my flat Harry." Liam says as I nod and head into the kitchen where Claire is. She's making bacon for all of us, I can smell it. Heading back out, I sit back on the couch and wait for her to finish cooking.

Niall's POV

"Breakfast is ready!" I hear Claire shout. I quickly brush my teeth and sprint down the steps, almost falling over in the process. When I walk into the kitchen, I'm the first person to grab food as I put some bacon and eggs on my plate and rush into the living room. Quickly scarfing down the food, I put the plate in the dishes and walk back into the living room. While everyone else is still eating, I just observe them as they eat.

"We should go to the park." I suggest seeing everyone look up and stare at me. Liam nods in agreement as he throws his food away.

"I'm in." Zayn says. Claire nods as the rest of them agree.

Who's awesome? Me of course.

When everyone's finished eating, Claire heads upstairs to get changed.

I think today's Wednesday which means four more days until schools back. This break was actually fun: Claire is now our friend, she can throw a mean punch, which is useful in most cases, and she's really nice.

I don't know how she can be nice when we've pretty much put her through hell these past two years. She's pretty tough.

She walks back down wearing shorts and a teal long sleeve shirt.

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