Chapter 100

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Claire's POV

"Can you hand me my phone?" Chris leans forward and grabs my phone off of the coffee table, and hands it to me.

"I'll be right here okay?" He holds my hand for assurance. Unlocking my phone, I go to my contacts and scroll down. My hand gets shaky when I open the contact and hover my thumb over his number. Just as I'm about to back out, my thumb hits the screen and is now calling Zayn.

"Shit I can't do this," I stare at my phone screen as it dials his number.

"You can do this, you're strong." Chris encourages me. The words give me some strength as I put the phone to my ear and anxiously wait for him to pick up.

After a few rings, I give up and sigh as I lower my phone from my ear, but a voice makes my freeze.

"Hello?" His voice is the same, the accent I fell in love with.

"H-H." I try to speak but no words come out.

Zayn's POV

Things have been great, I've never thought that me and the guys would have been put in a group. My heart nearly jumped when our names were called after we had been eliminated our second audition.

As I'm hanging out with the contestants in the house, my phone blares.

"Hold on a second," I grab my phone and head in my room, shutting it. Sliding my thumb across the screen-not bothered to look at the caller-and press my ear against my phone.

"Hello?" A gasp comes from the caller and I freeze.

"H-H." It can't be her, it can't be.

"Claire?" My heart aches when I say her name. Her breathing returns to normal as I sit down on my bed.

"Z-Zayn." Her voice is shaky but still audible. "I can't believe you." The soft voice I heard moments ago is now replaced with a harsh one.

"I'm sorry," is all I can say to her.

She scoffs and says, "So you wanted to become a singer huh? Something you never told me."

"Well I-"

"Did you even want to tell me?" She cuts me off. "You broke up with me to get famous Zayn, and you're living the dream." The tone in her voice is now sad.

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew it would upset you." My free hand is clutched with the my bed sheets.

"Well Zayn," she sighs, "it would've happened either way. This is the last time I'll ever talk to you."

"Claire I want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you. I love you." My tears starts to brim my eyes.

"Goodbye Zayn." She hangs up as I realize what happened.

I don't realize that I've been sitting here for a while until a knock on my door snaps me out.

"Zayn?" Harry calls me. When I don't answer he opens the door, and steps inside. "What happened?"

"Claire called me." His footsteps pad to my bed and he sits next to me.

"We all had to let her go Zayn, it's not just you that misses her." He says, with some emotion in his voice.

"But I love her Harry!" I look at him, frustrated at the situation.

"You aren't the only one," he mumbles.


"We all love her Zayn, you just didn't know." I'm not angry but not surprised either.

"I just want to forget." I shake my head and lay down.

"We all want to forget, but it just doesn't work that way." Harry says and he leaves the room, closing the door.

It took me weeks to at least stop crying but now the tears are back. The heavy pain in my chest aches as her words replay in my mind.

"This is the last time I'll ever talk to you."

"Goodbye Zayn."

She said it was the last time she'll talk to me, and I didn't do anything to stop her from hanging up.

Gosh I'm fucking stupid.

Claire's POV

"I didn't it." I'm is amazement as I stand up slowly, Chris doing the same.

"I freaking did it!" I jump and hug Chris. He's surprised by my embrace but hugs me anyway.

"I knew you could to it." We pull away and I watch him smile.

"Thank you." I honestly have no words for how much help he has done.

"I kept my promise," he states as he checks his phone. "Shit I have to go."

"It's fine," I tell him as I walk him out.

Out of the blue, he leans in a pecks kiss on my cheek and opens the door.

"Bye." He quickly says and shuts the door. I can feel my face heat up by the gesture as I turn off the Tv and head upstairs.

I undress and step into the shower, letting the warm water run down my body. Scrubbing an washing my hair, I turn off the shower and step out, wrapping myself into a towel.

After I dry myself off, I slip on my knickers and wear a long sleeve shirt with pajama shorts. After I climb into bed, I scroll through Twitter until I get tired. Turning off my lamp, I see the leather cuff that Zayn gave to me. Hesitant, I decide to keep it on, but I never yet wore the bracelet or the necklace.

The thoughts of Zayn never left my mind, nor the boys. I've never felt so much emotional pain before in my life until I got dumped by the person I love, or maybe I should say loved?

I can't stop thinking about the time that we spent together, how he kissed, the way he smiles when he's really happy. His eyes, that way they sparkle when I look deeply into them.

I really need to stop thinking about him.

"I will always love you."

I don't know if I should believe him, or just say that it's a lie.


Ayee, surprise Zayn POV. Ya like?

Anyway, thanks so much for reading my story. I want to thank you for dem votes and comments that some of you left me.

During the short interval of creating the sequel you can:

1) Go back and vote and comment on my chapters.

2) Try to find any preferences in my chapters. There is some.

3) I would really love it if I got 4k reads, maybe even 5k? Just a thought, I'm so close to 4k that's why.

4) Share my story. (I will love you forever if you did this.)

I'll probably upload the sequel when my story hits 4k. Alrighty?

Love you all.


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