Chapter 23

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Zayn's POV

We all sitting here quietly, thinking about Claire. As on queue, Claire and Liam both walk in. Liam sits on the couch as Claire sits on the smaller couch next to ours. We all lock eyes on her, she's staring back at us with the same gaze.

"So, any questions you want to ask me?" Claire breaks the silence. We look at each other and look back at her, I was about to speak but Louis cut me off.

"Do you hate us?"

"No, I don't hate you guys," she sits up in her seat, "I'm terrified." She adds.

"You shouldn't be." I assure her.

"Okay let's try something," Liam chirps up, "You get to talk to Claire for five minutes, and five minutes only." She nods in agreement.

"Okay who gets to go first?" I ask him. Niall raises his hand and stands up.

"Let's go in Liam's room." She stands up and they both head upstairs.

"Five minutes starts now!" Liam shouts as we hear a door open and close.

Niall's POV

Claire walks through the door as I close it, seeing her sit on the bed and eye me. Heading over to the bed, I sit on the opposite side of her.

"So, how are you?" I ask her, she looks at me and gives me a 'really? You're asking me that' look.

"I'm fine." She says softly.

"No you're not," I face her,"I'm sorry, sorry for all the shit that I did to you. I want to be friends with you."

She looks up at me. "It's going to take time." She timidly says.

"I know it is, I want to make you feel happy." I tell her. My alarm goes off and the five minutes are up. We both head to the door and look at each other. I give her a bear hug and squeeze tightly.

"Niall, I cant breath." She mumbles. Pulling away as she giggles, I open the door and walk out, giving her a smile as we head downstairs.

"Okay Harry goes next!" I shout when I reach the bottom of the steps, heading towards the couch.

"I choose to go last." Harry doesn't take his eyes off his phone.

"I'll go." Louis stands and walks upstairs. I take his place on the couch and I grab a controller. I start to play the game by myself and they all watch me.

"Dammit!" I shout, every time I kill someone, someone kills me. I hear them laugh at me and I start to laugh also. Louis comes downstairs and tells Zayn that he's up.

Zayn stands up and heads to Liam's room, Louis takes Zayn's spot on the couch. He takes the controller from my hands and begins to play, he immediately begins to get kills.

Am I that bad of a gamer? He continues to get kills and I throw a pillow at him, making him die in the game.

"F.uck you." He throws a pillow back at me. I begin to laugh really hard and Louis laughs with me. Not again.

Harry's POV

Me and Liam watch Louis and Niall erupt in giggles as I start to laugh, when they hit the floor and start to roll around.

"Why are you guys laughing so hard?" I ask them. They both look at me and burst out laughing as I look at Liam, who just shrugs and takes a picture of them.

"That one's a keeper." He waves his phone. Louis and Niall stop laughing and dive for his phone, trying to delete the picture.

"Harry!" Zayn shouts. The noise level dies down as I head upstairs.

Claire's POV

I her a knock on the door and I freeze., knowing that it's Harry, the one who caused me the most damage.

Why does he have to be last?

I slowly walk over to the door and open it but he pushes through me and sits on the bed.

This is already going bad.

"Hi Harry." I smile at him, trying to be friendly but he looks up and scoffs.

"Hi Claire." He says falsely, rolling his eyes at me.

"Why are you like this?" I half shout at him.

He chuckles as he stands, and begins to walk towards me. I hold my ground, seeing his face inches from mines.

"You want to know why?" He backs me up against the wall.

So much for holding my ground.

"You just couldn't keep quiet about your problems, couldn't keep quiet." He says, his face still inches from mines. He's wrong, I kept my mouth shut for two years, two years.

I push him away from me, seeing that he's taken back at my strength but he just laughs at me again. I begin to ball my fists, not caring about the pain that kicks in. He notices my actions and he steps closer.

"Go ahead hit me, show me how powerful you are. I already know that you're just a weak person." He raises his hands so his center is exposed. I walk to him and forcefully put his hands to his sides.

"I'm not going to hit you." I shake my head. He looks at me confusingly as I laugh.

"Why?" He asks me.

"Because I'm not like you, I don't pick on the most weakest person I know. I don't make fun of people. Because, I'm. Not. Like. You." I tell him, separating the last words. Heading out of Liam's room, I walk downstairs, leaving Harry there to think to himself.

"Hey guys." I greet them, plopping down next to Liam as they mumble 'hi' back. A few minutes later Harry comes in the room, and sits next to Niall, trying to avoid eye contact with me.

I can't help but internally laugh at him, not feeling so afraid of him anymore. But maybe it's just today I have the burst of confidence.

Niall, Louis, and Zayn apologized to me and asked to become friends, which I told them it was going to take some time. Things are really starting to change.

Louis is playing COD and Niall is watching him in amusement. This game looks kinda fun.

"Can I try?" I ask Louis. He pauses the game and looks at me in shock for a second before handing the controller to me as I un-pause it.

Since I was observing the controls, I think I know what to do. Immediately, I started to get kills left and right along with my team winning as I jumped up and down.

"Yes!" I said out loud. I look around me and they're all staring at me.

What, did I do something?

"Claire, you're better than Niall." Louis laughs causing the rest of them to laugh also.

Niall pouts and looks at me, "It's true" he admits.

"So who wants to play?" I ask, waving the controller. Zayn raises his hand and I give him the controller, he begins to play and my stomach growls.

"Liam? Did you order the pizza?" I ask him. He nods a 'yes' and there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I head over to the door and open it.

"Five boxes of assorted pizzas?" The man holds the boxes. I call Liam, he pays the man and closes the door. I hold the boxes and put it down on the kitchen table.

"Pizzas here!" I shout. Niall comes running in and takes one box and smirks.

"You're mine." He says to the box as I giggle, grabbing a plate. Harry walks in and sees me grab a slice.

Ignoring him, I walk out of the kitchen and sit in the couch next to Niall, who is already on his third slice.

"Niall, slow down you're going to get a stomach ache." I warn him, seeing him look at me and just continues to eat. "Don't complain when it hurts afterwards." He shoves his face in the pizza as Zayn pats his back.

Man, it's like he hasn't eaten in days.

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