Chapter 46

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Liam's POV

I don't want to go to school. I haven't left my house all weekend. This whole 'ending our friendship' thing made a huge impact on me and the boys. It's true that we fight about Claire, but its only because we love her and we want to protect her.

But I guess that's not how she looks at it.

As I change into different clothes-just a white shirt and black jeans-I head downstairs to grab my backpack, slip on my shoes and drive to school. I kept my radio off, the silence is alluring to me at my state right now. It's really unusual but I don't really care at this point.

When I arrive at the school, I park my car, lock it, and head inside. The students are walking amongst the halls, murmurs echoing, I spot the boys sitting at the lunch table; but it's breakfast right now. I greet them by nodding, trying to look happy but all I get in return are frowns.

"Don't even try to fake it Liam," Niall sighs as he stares off into the distance. "We know you're miserable without her," he says. I sit down and take glances at their facial expressions, empty. They all have bags under their eyes, faces slightly pink and puffed- all signs of after crying. I don't want to lie but I was crying last night when I texted her goodnight. It broke me when she didn't reply back, but it's understandable. The thing is, we're nothing without her.

Just as I'm about to speak, the bell rings for class. We all stand up and head lit of the lunchroom. The halls are empty except the two people that I don't want to see together. Claire and Logan.

"I don't want to talk to you right now," Claire tells him. Logan chuckles and steps closer to her, enclosing her between the wall and him. I can see Harry getting angry at the sight of them.

"Don't," I tell him, his breathing is increasing as he watches them. Logan's hand is placed on her shoulder, traveling down her arm and to her hand.

"S-Stop," her breathing hitches. Okay I have to stop this. I walk over to them, she locks eyes with me.

"I think that's enough," I tap Logan's shoulder, he turns around and let's go of her arm.

"You guys always ruin the fun," he pouts and smirks aright after then leaves us. I don't notice that the boys are behind me until Zayn speaks.

"Are you okay?" He asks her.

No reply.

"Claire..." Niall starts. She shakes her head, avoiding eye contact, and leaves to her next class.

"F.uck," I curse under my breath. I turn back around to see them, sadness still on their face. "She needs time," I explain to them.

"This is shit," Harry frustratingly runs his fingers through his hair.

"C'mon we have to go to class." We all nod our heads and walk off.

Zayn's POV

This whole 'give her time' thing is really frustrating. I can't give her time because she could get hurt by that dickhead Logan. I kinda like that nickname.

By the time we arrive in class, the teacher isn't here yet, the students are talking amongst each other. We all take our usual seats and do whatever we want.

Claire is back to her usual seat, head low, from what it looks like she's writing something.

"I know you're sad," Harry tells me. We're not mad at each other, we realized that the fighting affected her so much that she left.

"We're all sad Harry," I tell him, still staring at Claire. Her head lifts up when the teacher walks in setting her stuff down on the desk.

"Sorry I'm late, my car hates me." The teacher says, earning some laughs from the class. "Well, since it's almost recess, you guys for to do whatever you want." She waves off. Claire puts in her earphones and starts to listen to music.

"Why don't we try to talk to her then?" Harry suggests.

"Well Liam says that we have to give her time before we can talk to her again." I explain.

"F.uck that. You know what? I'm going to talk to her now," he stands up and walks over to the empty seat next to her. He's so determined but I don't know if it'll work.

Claire's POV

Just block them out, just block them out. I've been writing all my feelings out in my phone, and by all I mean all. It's a way of expressing instead of keeping it all in, no one knows about what I write in my phone, not even my parents, but that's not surprising. The music shuts me out of the class so I can focus more, no distractions.

Out of my peripheral vision I can see the seat shift to the side and a pair of boots. I don't really pay attention to the person until I hear mumbling. Looking up, I see Harry, smiling as we lock eyes with each other. His lips move but I don't hear what he's saying, but frankly, I don't want to talk to him. I return to typing until my earphones are pulled out of my ears. I angrily look up at him, waiting for his to speak but he doesn't say anything.

"Claire I-"

"Harry just stop." I cut him off, not wanting to hear apologies.

"Why? I thought you loved being our friends? Wasn't all that we went through nothing to you?"

Harry's POV

"It did mean a lot to me, but you guys fight over me constantly. Seeing you guys fight, and I'm the reason why, makes me feel so horrible. It's for the best." She tells me. Is she f.ucking serious right now?

"Does it look like it's for the best? Huh? Look at us," I motion towards the boys, they all have baggy eyes and depressing faces. "We need you Claire, we need you." I beg to her. Her eyes are tired, the same emotionless face as them. A thought occurs in my head, as I speak.

"You're sad about this, are you? You try to hide it but look at you, you're sadder than ever." I cock my head to the side. Claire now has a worried expression on her face as the bell rings. She quickly packs her stuff but before she walks away from her desk, I grab her arm.

"Answer me." I sternly tell her. She spins around and looks me in the eyes, tears threaten to spill.

"I am okay?!" She shouts, causing the boys to rush over to us. "I'm fucking sad about this. Hell I'm fucking miserable. Is that what you want to hear Harry? Huh?!?! Well I said it! Are you happy now?!" She forcefully pulls out of my grip and storms off.

"Harry what did you do?" Liam says.

"I-um it's kind of-I didn't mean to-I'm sorry." I jumble the sentence out, taken back at what she said.

"C'mon we have to look for her," Niall slings his backpack over his shoulder. We all run out of the class room, looking for her.

Claire's POV

Library, my only place where I can be alone. I push the doors open to see the librarian giving me a smile as I walk past.

"Hello sweetie," she greets me. I can't trust my voice so I smile and nod at her while I take a seat farthest from the doors. After I set my stuff down, I look through the shelves to see if they're any good books here.

"Hey Claire," a male, dark voice makes me jump as I spin around to see who it is.

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