Chapter 37

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Claire's POV

My alarm wakes me up as I groan in annoyance.

School. Great.

I slowly get out of bed and take a shower to wake me up. Walking out of my bathroom and to my closet, I find something to wear to school.

Ehh, I'm pretty lazy to look for anything so I throw on a gray tank top and black skinny jeans.

Picking out my black vans, I take my jean jacket with me and head downstairs, seeing my mom in the kitchen making breakfast for her.

Rummaging through the fridge, I find the strawberries and put them in the blender with ice. The roaring sound fills the room as my mom covers her ears. When I'm finished, I pour the smoothie in a cup and drink the cold beverage.

"Good morning sweetie." My mom kisses my head.

"Are you going to drop me off?" I ask her. She shakes her head and sighs.

"Sorry, I'm late to work." She grabs her purse and opens the door. "Bye!" She shouts and shuts the door.

Well I'm home alone, again.

Sighing, I grab my bag and walk out the door, locking it before I start to walk to school.


Liam's POV

As I walk out of my house, I see Claire walking towards the school.

"Hey wait!" I tell her as she stops in the front of my yard. I walk over to her as she smiles. "Want a ride to school?"

"Um, sure." We both walk over to my car as I open the door for her, seeing her blush at my gesture as she hops in. Shutting the car door, I jog to the driver seat and hop in, turning on the ignition as we heading toward school.

"So, how'd you sleep?" I try and make a conversation with her as the radio is on, the volume low.

"Fine, I was so tired to get ready for bed but I made myself." She lightly laughs.

"Well, I slept great. Spring break was awesome." I tell her as we pull into the school. When we walk through the front doors, all eyes are on us. Whispers are heard as we make our way to our class, English.

Taking my usual seat in the back, Claire sits in the middle seat, as the bell rings. Students start piling in as Zayn and Louis sit on both sides of me, while Niall and Harry sit farthest.

"Claire come sit next to us!" Harry shouts. The class quiets down and looks toward her, making her flush as she picks her stuff up and slowly makes her way toward the seat next to Harry.

"Nothing to see here." Louis annoyingly says, causing the students face forward as he laughs.

The teacher begins the lesson as I begin to write notes, the class quiets while the teacher walks out of the room.

Everyone must be confused right now, they think the we're still going to beat her, but they're wrong, we're best friends with her. And besides, this is only the first class of the day.

Claire's POV

The bell rings as I set my pencil down and start to put my things away quickly. A hand is placed on my shoulder and I look up to see Harry, a concerned expression etched on his face.

"You okay?" He asks me. Suddenly, I remember that I don't have anything to worry about; I can stop being afraid.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I start to put my books in my hand as I stand up. "I'll see you next class, I need to exchange my books." I tell the boys.

"Okay." Harry replies as I head out of the class and to my locker.

When I reach my locker, I open it and put my books away. I take my science textbook out, but it falls to the floor. When I kneel down and grab it, another person takes it. I confusingly stand up to lock eyes with a familiar person.

"You dropped this." He flashes a smile as he hands it to me. I hesitantly take the book from him and hold it in my right hand as he continues to stand there and take in my appearance.

"Excuse me? But do I know you?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He chuckles and steps closer to me, enclosing me between him and the lockers.

"Oh honey," he leans into my face, inches away from mine. "I think you remember perfectly." He steps back. His brown eyes, brown hair swiped upwards, the smile. It's Logan.

"L-Logan?" I try to move back but I remember that I'm backed up against the lockers.

"I knew you would remember me." He touches my shoulder. I shudder at his touch and move aside from him. "Where you going baby?" I gag at the names he's calling me. Returning back to my locker, I retrieving my textbook and turn back around.

"Listen here Logan, I'm not your honey or baby. I got drunk and danced with you. End of story." I harshly tell him. His eyes widen at my anger but he brushes it off.

"Oh I don't think it the end of the story. I think you still want to hook up." A smug smile appears on his face.

"That's the total opposite."

"Oh sure," the bell rings as I close my locker. I start to walk away for him but he catches my wrist. "I'll see you around." He lets go and walks away from me.

Ugh that sleaze bag. He has the looks but not the personality I would've thought of. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I walk over to my next class.


Harry's POV

The usual silence fills the room when we walk in the lunch room, but yet erupts when we sit down.

The lunch food is not appetizing, some even say poisonous. I don't understand how people can eat the food that they serve here.

"Look." Niall points to an empty table across the room.

But in fact it's not empty, Claire is sitting at the table, alone. I quickly pull out my phone and send her a text.


'Come sit with us, you seem lonely.' She looks at her phone, her eyebrows furrow as she types.


'No, I don't want to draw any attention towards me.' She replies back.

Fine, it she won't come to us, we'll come to her.

"Let's sit at Claire's table, she seems lonely." The boys nod in agreement and stand. The room quiets again as we make our way towards her table. She's not paying attention to her surroundings. Instead, she's sketching in her--what it looks like--drawing notebook.

"Hey Claire." Zayn speaks up, surprising her as she quickly shuts her notebook.

"Guys you scared me. What are you doing sitting here?" She looks around the room.

"You looked lonely." Niall says.

"Oh, you didn't have to."

"But we're your best friends, from now on, we're going to be sitting with you." Louis tells her.

"Oh," she nods her head, "okay."


Guess what....... It's chapter turdy-seven. HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't help it. It kinda just flown out. *starts dying of laughter* <~ don't really know of that's funny or naw but whatever

Anyway, I really love you guys for reading my story, it means a lot to me. Vote & comment what you think about the story so far, thanks for reading.


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