Chapter 18

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Claire's POV

I start to head to my locker when I see four figures walk towards me, it's Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry.

But where's Liam?

As they get closer, I start to grow in fear. Harry whispers something to Niall and Louis as I begin to walk backwards, until my back hits the wall. They walk over to me, push my stuff down, and hold my arms against the wall. The only thing I can do is to thrash my body and kick, but it's no use. And when I try to scream, nothing comes out.

What's happening? Where's everybody?

Harry slowly walks toward, hiding something behind his back as a smirk etches his face. He finally reveals what he has behind his back, a knife.

"Stop, stop, stop." I beg to him, but he doesn't even listen to me; I don't think he can hear me.

Focusing on Zayn, I see him filming this whole thing with the same smirk on his face as Harry's.

Harry lightly draws the knife down my cheeks and traveling around my neck. I can feel the knife on my skin, raising goosebumps everywhere it touches. A tear slides down my cheek as he wipes it away with his thumb.

"Don't cry now love, the fun is just about to begin." He tells me as he steps back, looking at Zayn, who gives him a thumbs up.

He finally draws the knife at my neck, and before he slides it I shout out, "Don't hurt me!"

My eyes shoot open as I look at my surroundings.

I'm at home? It was just a dream, only a dream. It felt so surreal, like I really was at school.

My vision starts to lighten up as I see Louis kneeling by the couch with a concerned expression.

"Hey, hey, calm down it was just a nightmare." He assures me. I try to wipe the sweat with my hands but fail when, my bandaged hands hitting my forehead instead. I hiss at the pain as it grows but quickly dissolves.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks me.

I can't tell him about my dream, I can't. I furiously shake my head 'no'. "Okay that's fine, you don't have to." He tells me.

"What time is it?" I look at him as he quickly checks his phone, the light glaring in his blue green eyes.

"4:56pm" he says as he puts his phone away, "guess it's time to leave, you okay staying home by yourself?" I nod my head as he grabs his backpack.

"See you tomorrow." He says before he shuts the door.

I'm home alone, again.

I need to talk to Liam about my dream, he's the only person I can talk to. What if he's busy? Before I know it I'm dialing Liam's number. It rings a couple of times before he answers.

"Hey," Liam says, there's a voice in the background that's too soft to make out who it is.

"Oh, if you're busy I can call you back." I tell him. The voice gets louder and I can finally hear it clearly.

"Mate, what's taking you so long, we have a project to get to." It's Harry. I can tell by his low husky voice.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll call you back. Bye." And with that, he hangs up, before I can say 'bye' back to him.

Sighing, I start to make dinner for myself, again.

I end up microwaving a pot pie and eating it while watching Netflix. When I'm finished, I wash my dishes, turn off the Tv, and head upstairs.

Quickly brushing my teeth, I change into the black shirt that Liam gave to me, with some pajama shorts. Slowly climbing into bed, my mind starts to drift off to sleep.

Liam's POV

"Who was that?" Harry asks as he walks in to the kitchen, and sits in a chair.

"My mum. She's just checking up on me." I lie as I put my phone back into my pocket.

I feel guilty every time I lie to him, he's my best mate. But I know that it's for the best, for now.

Heading back over to the living room, we look at our finished project. We decide to do New York for our state, because it's pretty well known.

"Can you give me a ride home?" Harry asks. If I say no, he's just going to keep asking until I say yes.

"Okay," I start to head towards the door, grabbing my keys. Harry walks out the door as I lock it, as we both head towards my car.

Harry's POV

The car ride is really quiet, no sound except the radio playing. Liam pulls up in front of my house as I get out.

"Bye man." I tell him, he looks at me and smiles.

"Bye," Liam says. Closing the car door, I start to walk to the front door of my house as he honks and drives away.

Heading inside, I see my mum in the kitchen, washing dishes.

"Hey Harry, how was Liam's house?" She asks me.

I've always been really close to my mum, even when I was a little kid. She's so caring and helpful when it comes to me.

"It was fine, we got the project finished today." I mention to her as she nods.

"Dinner is in the microwave." She shouts as she heads to her bedroom to sleep.

Dropping, my stuff in the living room, I head to the kitchen and open the microwave, seeing the chicken pasta she made. My mouth starts to water as I heat the food, and practically jump when it finishes.

Carrying my food the the couch, I sit down and dig in while watching Paranormal Activity. Quickly eating my food, I wash my dishes and run back to the couch to finish the movie.

This isn't even scary. I think to myself as the credits roll up the screen.

Turning off the Tv, I head upstairs to bed. Kicking off my pants--leaving my boxers on--I climb into bed and close my eyes.


Guys guess what?


More time to write and read. I really hope you guys like it. Feedback would be great. Thanks for reading. I love you all so much.

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