Chapter 97

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Claire's POV

It's now July and I'm sitting on the couch, watching Teen Wolf, eating my life away.

Nothing's really happened during the weeks after my breakup with Zayn. He hasn't tried to call, text, or visit my house. I haven't heard from the other boys either, but honestly, I don't care.

But a part of me still wishes that I stopped him when he left, or called him. There was this one time where someone knocked on the door, and I sped over to it, hoping it was Zayn, but it wasn't, just some person selling jewelry.

I bet he's having it better, probably hanging out with the boys someplace.

Yeah, I'm living the life right now. Sense the sarcasm?

After noticing that I've run out of ice cream, I throw the tub away and grab the car keys, as well as my wallet. My mom had a day off, but she spent it locked up in her room so she doesn't even know I'm sort of in 'depression mode'.

"I'm going to head to the grocery store mom!" I shout as I put on my shoes.

"Alright sweetie!" She shout back and I exit my house. Glancing down at what I'm wearing, which is my sweats and a gray shirt, I shrug and enter the car. Turning on the ignition, I pull out of the driveway and head to the grocery store.


After heading to freezer isle, I look for the rainbow sherbet ice cream. Scanning through the doors, I can't see one at all.

"Excuse me?" I ask a worker that's stacking freezer goods. "Do you have any rainbow sherbet ice cream?"

"Let me see," she says politely and follow her to the ice creams. The lady seems a bit young to work here, she looks like she's in her twenties. "Ah, here you go," she opens the door and pulls out the gallon.

"Thanks you," I grab the handle and carry it.

"Is it a breakup?" She asks about of the blue.


"It's a breakup isn't it?" I realize what she's talking about and huff awkwardly.

"Is it that noticeable?" She nods with a sympathetic look.

"I've been there girl," she places a hand on her hip. "Usually it goes away in about a week. How long ago was it?"

I bite the inside of my cheek. "Four weeks?"

She sucks air through her teeth. "You must really loved him." She ruffles her blonde hair.

"Yeah," I grip the handle tighter. "I really did."

"I'm sorry," she hugs me real quick. "From one stranger to another, you'll get over this okay?"

I nod before she walks away. "Thanks."

She looks back and nods before going back to stacking.

After I pay for the ice cream, I sit in the car for a few minutes before turning it on. The radio automatically blares on, a spokesperson talking.

"So you five are the new guys of the X Factor am I correct?" He says.

"Yup," my eyes widen at the familiar voice. It can't be.

"So what's your group called?"

"We're called One Direction," they say in unison.

"What?" I say out loud. I only notice I'm in my driveway when the lights in the kitchen flicker on. Staying in the car, I keep listening.

"So what're your names for the listeners?" The spokesperson asks. It can't be them, it just can't.

"Well I'm Liam."




"And I'm Zayn." My heart stops at the sound of his voice. It is them, they auditioned for X Factor and didn't tell me?

I don't bother to listen to the interview anymore as I turn off the car, grabbing my ice cream and heading into the house.

After putting away the ice cream to cool again, I sit in the living room to gather my thoughts.

They applied for X Factor, and didn't tell me. They kept this from me. Were they ashamed of me? How can they just keep this from me like that?

I feel betrayed, lied to, and played by all of them, even Liam. He was the one who told me the truth, but even he lied to me. The ache in my chest hasn't gone away, and now it grew ten sizes.

"Claire? You here?" My mom shouts upstairs, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I shout back, heading upstairs. Checking my phone, it's now 9pm so I start getting ready for bed.

After changing into a loose tank top and pajama shorts, I sit up against the headboard and call Chris.

He's been my 'therapist' ever since that day, helping get through my depression. And it's been working surprisingly. Last week I wouldn't step foot out of my bedroom, and now I can step out of the house.

"Hey Claire," he immediately answers. "So how's week for day five?"

"Well," I think for a second, "better, but I still feel depressed." I sigh sadly.

"Well like I said before, you'll get through this, and I'll help you." He laughs through the phone.

"Yeah, and guess what?" His laughter stops.


"The guys applied for X Factor, and they didn't tell me. They didn't tell me Chris. And now their semi-famous." A tear slides down my face as I start banging my head against the headboard.

"Stop hitting your head Claire," he sternly says and I groan, stopping my head from connecting the headboard. "Just get some rest okay? Well talk tomorrow."

Sliding down under the covers, I stare at the ceiling. "Thanks Chris for everything."

"Just know that I'm always going to be there for you, and that's a promise." I wince at the word. Promise. "I care about you."

"I care about you too," I yawn, "goodnight."

"Goodnight." I hang up and turn off the light.

Maybe I should just start fresh my Junior year.

Yeah, I'm going to start fresh this school year.


The years are off because of the music I added in the story. I'm sorry if it's confusing to you, but I really can't change it now.

So just to clarify, it's technically 2010 for them, but the music is from now. It's really confusing I know, I apologize.

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