Chapter 33

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Zayn's POV

It's 3:39pm, and Claire is making a sandwich in the kitchen while everyone is in here. She comes back in as Niall stares right at her--well her food. She takes a seat next to him, and he's practically drooling.

"Hey Claire, what do you have there?" He nudges her.

"A sandwich?" She looks at him weirdly.

"Can I have a piece?" He asks her nicely, I knew that he would ask her that.

"Sure," she gives the already halved sandwich to him and he hugs her.

"Thank you!" He takes it and takes a bite out of it.

"This is good," he says with his mouth full. We all chuckle at Niall, who is laughing also as we continue to watch Tv, talk about school and other things, and eat.

I receive a text from Matt as I slide my thumb across the screen and read it.


'Party starts at eight, but I need help setting up'


'Sorry man but I'm busy right now, I'll be there at the party though.'


'Okay, make sure you bring that pretty girl when you arrive' My blood boils at his text as I set my phone down. Gosh I hate him so much.

The clock reads 4pm, what am I supposed to do till then?


Harry's POV

We're all getting ready for the party and were deciding who has to stay sober for us to come back home.

"You already know that I'll be drunk in the first five minutes I arrive." Niall says.

Okay he's out. It only leaves Zayn, me, Liam, and Louis. Claire is way out of the picture, it would be stupid to ask her to drive us. I think it's rude.

"I want to have fun." Louis whines like a five year old. Zayn also wants to have a few drinks. So it's either me or Liam.

"I can stay sober." We both say. Liam furrows his eyebrows and so do I.

"Rock, paper, scissors for who's gonna stay sober." Niall speaks up. It's kind of a weird way to settle it but okay. We both bring our fists in front of us and start.

"Rock, paper, scissors." I show scissors and Liam shows rock.

"Alright that's settled." Liam grabs his keys. Claire walks downstairs and is wearing a teal tank top with blue skinny jeans, I'm relieved that she isn't wearing anything too showy. We all pile in the car and drive towards Matt's house. I sit in the front with Liam while the rest of them squish in the back.

"Ow Zayn stop hitting me." Niall says. I look back and Zayn is squished next to Niall, accidentally elbowing him in the rib.

"Sorry." He laughs. Claire and Louis are on the other side laughing at them.

"Here sit on my lap." Louis pats his lap, she shyly sits down and Zayn has more space to move around. "You're really light." Louis says.

"No I'm not, you're just saying that." Claire hides her face in her hair, I think she's blushing. I turn back around and we park down the street. When we arrive his house is already packed with people, on the inside and outside.

Claire's POV

His house is huge compared to mines, and there's so much people here already.

As we walk into the house, I get the occasional glares from guys, but mostly girls. The bass is kicked up so much, I can feel it vibrate my chest. Zayn holds my hand as we walk through the hallway.

"Don't let go." He states as we head into the living room. In the crowd of people, The grip on our hands loosens, making our hands separate.

S.hit, where am I supposed to go?

My throat starts to feel dry, so I look around the house for the kitchen. Stumbling through doors to finally find the kitchen, and it's less crowded than the living room so I'm happy.

"Hey Claire so happy for you to come!" Matt slings his arm around me, but I push away from him and look around his massive kitchen.

There's a couple making out in the corner and someone rummaging through the refrigerator.

Um ew.

"Do you have some water?" I ask him. He smiles and grabs a cup and fills it with what looks like water. Looking at the beverage, seeing and it's clear with no scent, I take a sip.

The liquid burns my throat as it goes down as I cough. "What is this?" I look at the red cup.

"Vodka? Why?" He smirks at me.

Ugh, he's so annoying.

"I asked for water," I told him sternly, he just laughs at me and steps closer.

"You need to let loose for a night, look how tense you are," he motions toward me, "and besides," he touches my shoulder.

"You're gonna feel amazing." He says as he gulps his drink down and walks away.

I start to feel tingly and before I know it, I drink the entire cup, not caring if it burns my throat. Later, I drink another, then another, and then another; I lost my count after five.

My mind is in swirls as I wander into the living room where everybody is, the bass is still thumping as I start to move my hips to the beat. A pair of hands meets my waist and I turn around to see who it is, brown eyes meet mine as the music keeps playing.

"Hey sexy whats your name?" He asks me. I giggle at his question as I pull him closer to me.

"It's Claire." I whisper into his ear. He pulls away and slyly smiles.

"Mine's Logan." He bites his lip as his eyes rake down my body.

He's wearing a gray v-neck shirt, black skinny jeans and blue shoes, I think. Turning back around, I start moving my hips to the music as his hands find my waist again. My hands find my way around his neck, pulling our bodies closer.

"Logan, you're really good at dancing." I compliment him, he pulls us even closer and he growls.

"You're f.ucking amazing." He says seductively. I start to grind my hips on his, earning a moan from him.

"Oh my gosh." He says, his eyes shutting with his mouth slightly gaped open. I smile at the result as my body still has the tingly effect. Looking around the room for any familiar faces, my eyes lock on Zayn, who's is also dancing with some chick.

My blood begins to boil out of jealousy as Zayns hands are placed on the girls' waist, and the chick is wearing the shortest dress I've seen on anyone. Her--obviously dyed--red hair is to the side as Zayn lays his head on her opposite shoulder.

Turning around to meet Logan's eyes, I see that they're fully dilated as he stares back at me. Placing my hands on his chest, I move them up and down, feeling his toned abs. I turn back around and see Zayn staring at me.

I don't know what I'm doing right now but I smirk at him and start to move my hips again. Zayn's mouth is gaped open as the girl continues to dance on him, and I start to dance like her on Logan as he growls, his hands back on my hips.

"You're really cute." I turn around and poke his nose. He chuckles and leans into me.

"We should talk upstairs." He says, my mind says no but my head just nods.

"I'm gonna go get another drink." I ignore what he says and walk to the kitchen.

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