Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

When I wake up, I groan in annoyance as I remember that I have to go to school. Getting out of bed, I put on a black shirt, black jeans, and black converse.

Huh, all black today.

Going downstairs, I grab an apple for breakfast as I walk into the living room. Glancing at the clock, I realize it's 7:45am. I sigh tiredly as I grab my backpack and head out of my house, not wanting to be late for school.

As soon as I put my stuff in my car, I turn on the engine and pull out of my driveway.

As I'm driving to school, I mentally make a list to do today. Well, there's only one thing on it. And that's to try and convince Harry not to bully Claire for at least a week.

I finally arrive at school and park, immediately seeing Harry at the entrance of the school. Grabbing my bag out of my car, I lock it and walk over to Harry.

"Hey," I stretch my arms a bit. He looks up, notices that it's me, and puts his phone away.

"Hey man," he gives me a crooked smile, leaning back against the wall.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," he replies, shrugging his shoulders.

"Can we not bully Claire this week?" I ask, seeing him furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why?" He asks, obviously angry at my proposition.

"Well," I trail off, feeling a bit scared of him, "she should have a brake once in a while." I point out.

"That's what I do, I break her, literally." He smiles at his statement before turning his attention back onto me. "Have you gone soft or something?" He asks, stepping closer to me in a intimating manner.

"Course not," I try and bite back, earning an approving smile from him. "But I bet you can't bully her for a week." I challenge him as he chuckles in response.

"I bet I can," he smirks, stepping back from me.

"Okay," I smile mischievously, "here are the rules," I make sure that he's paying attention before moving on. "You can't touch her or talk to her for one week. And if you do, she can hit you each time you break a rule." I tell him, laughing at his expressionless face.

"That's gonna be easy," Harry says, scoffing.

We'll see Styles, we'll see.

The bell rings for class, and I walk off to find Claire, usually by her locker.

Instead of finding Claire at her locker, I find Harry. What the heck? I just saw him at the entrance five minutes ago. A couple seconds later, Claire is at her locker and spots him. I try to get out of sight but still keeping an eye on them, wondering what they're talking about.

Harry tells her something as she nods I'm response, pulling out a piece of paper before handing it to him. Harry smiles in return as he says something before heading off.

Quickly heading off to class, I arrive and take my usual seat in the back. The second bell rings, seeing the other boys walk in, and take their seats in the back with me. I just remember that this is English class.

My thoughts get cut off as I feel someone tap my shoulder. Looking to my side, I see that it's Harry.

"Did you get the essay done?" He whispers while the teacher is talking about what we're going to do in class, frankly I don't really care.

"Yeah, of course I did." I tell him, showing my essay to him.

"Me too." He says as he smirks, holding up his essay. Clearly it's not his handwriting.

"Who did it for you?" I ask, already knowing that he just got someone to do it for him. Harry laughs at my question and I can't help but smile at him.

"Claire did it for me," he says, keeping his smirk.

Oh, now I get why he was at her locker.

"I told you. You can't talk to her." I tell him, trying not to laugh at him.

"S.hit." He curses. "That's one punch then?" He asks, me replying with a nod.

Harry groans and gets back to his work, and so do I. Looking up to scan the class, I spot Claire in the middle area. I begin throwing a pieces of paper at her until she finally turns around, smiling when she sees me. I wave at her as she does the same, before turning back around to continue her work. I copy her actions and continue doing my work also.

Claire's POV

The bell rings for recess and I pack my things as quickly as possible.

But something seems off. I don't see Harry or his friends anywhere. I have a bad feeling about this. As I'm exiting the class, I'm pulled and pushed down, my body hitting the concrete floor.

Bursts of laughter erupts as people stare at me, making me want to cower in a corner and cry. I slowly try and get back up, only to be pushed back down again, an arm pinning me down.

"Stay down." I hear a familiar voice say.

"W-What?" I say, trying to look behind me.

"I said stay down." Louis says sternly.

Getting on my knees, I start crawling weakly to the side of the wall, laying my back against it as I sigh, trying to relieve some of the pain. Looking up, I see Louis' back facing me as he talks to Zayn and Niall as I start to have a headache. When Niall notices me, he has an angered expression on his face. He stomps toward me, and pulls me from the wall back into the floor, casing my headache to increase.

"Louis told you to stay down," Niall growls, gripping me wrist tightly as he stares at me intensely.

"I-I'm sorry." I cry out softly, holding back my tears.

"Sorry isn't good enough." Niall says, shaking his head as he stands back up, walking over to Zayn as they whisper something to each other. Zayn walks over to me, kneels down, and brings his hand up, slapping me in the face.

One. I can feel the stinging sensation from his slap spread throughout my face as I let my tears fall freely from my eyes.

Two. "That's for not listening to Louis." He says, slapping me again.

Three. "That's for trying to get back up."

Four. "And that's for talking back to us." Zayn slaps me again, this time it felt like he used all his force to hit me. I can feel my cheek being numb from pain, but the light sting is still there.

Zayn stands up and walks back over to Niall and Louis as they walk away, leaving me here.

So just continue to sit here, knees up to my face as I slowly rock back and forth, watching the people walk past me like I'm invisible.

With my tears blurring my vision, I can't really see who the person is walking towards me, crouching down to my level. I flinch involuntary, thinking that it's one of the boys that want to slap me around more, so I wait for impact. Instead, I feel soft hands cupping my cheeks, rubbing the tears and the stinging sensation away from my face. When I finally get my vision a cleared, I see that the unknown figure is Liam.

His eyes hold a guilty look as they starts into my tear-filled ones, continuing to rub my cheeks, making the pain go away drastically.

"I'm sorry." He says with guilt.

I couldn't speak, like the words were lodged in my throat as I try to. I can feel sanity slip away slowly each and everyday, along with my happiness, my ability to feel. Yesterday feels like history now, like it's been five years.

"Not here, please." I manage to say. Liam's eyes widen as he nods his head, helping me off the floor as he picks up my bag, going to a nearby empty classroom.



Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was debating wether or not to post on the weekends. I still don't know yet. But there ya have it, chapter eight. Hope you liked it.

Yes there is swearing in this fanfic, just to caution you.

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