Chapter 67

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Zayn's POV

I can't believe Claire just beat up Matt, and now she's unconscious. Wait, she's unconscious!

"Oh shit!" I yell out, causing the nurse to avert her eyes toward me. She swiftly carries Claire and places her on the second bed, grabbing an ice pack and placing it on her head.

"Let her rest, she'll wake up soon," nurse Susan informs me and returns back to Matt, who's still groaning in pain. Pulling up a chair next to Claire's bed, I hold her hand and wait for her to wake.

Louis' POV

"Well nothing seems to be broken," nurse Susan tells Matt. "Who beat you anyway?" She asks him.

"The one that's fucking unconscious right now," he tell her. The nurse laughs out loud but covers her mouth to muffle the laughter.

"I'm sorry-I just-I'm sorry," she says. "Anyway, there's bruises on your stomach area and your chest and a black eye, everything will go away in the next week." The nurse heads back into her office. It's funny that the nurse is laughing at him even though she's supposed to be helping her, she's a cool nurse.

"Matt, you okay?" Liam asks Matt. Matt looks at him disgustingly and scoffs.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He says. I walk to his bed and press one of his bruises down, causing him to wince.

"He's being nice you jackass," I tell him and let go of the purple spot.

"Sorry," he apologizes to us. That's a first. I look over at Claire, who's still sleeping as Zayn caresses the top of her hand and kisses her forehead. The pain in my chest is back as I keep watching them. Tearing my gaze away from the couple, turn my attention to Matt. He's laying back in the bed and displays a smug smile on his face.

"Did it hurt when she started kicking you?" I ask him.

He scoffs, "No, it didn't even hurt."

"That's not what it looked like from my point of view." Niall starts chuckling. "It looked like you were crying."

"Fine, I was crying," he admits. "But I would like to have a girl that can punch like that, Claire's hot." He smirks. Zayn stands up and grips Matt's shirt, lifting his upper body from the bed.

"Listen here douche," Zayn says with anger. "Don't you dare go near Claire or I will fucking beat the crap out of you." He lets go of him and steps back.

"Actually, you should let Claire beat me up, she does a better beat down than you." And with that, Zayn starts to clench his fists and jaw.

"Zayn," Liam warns him. He starts to relax and take deep breaths.

"I'm fine," he says and sits back down next to Claire. The nurse comes back out of her office with a note in her hand.

"You need to go to class," she says.

"But Clair-" I start off.

"I wasn't talking about you," she says and hands the note to Matt. "You need to class Matt."

"But I'm in worse shape than her," he argues with her.

"But you're awake and she's not, argument won. Now leave." She helps him up and out of the health room.

"So we can stay?" I ask her. She gives is a smile and hugs me.

"Yeah, stay as long as you guys want, Claire is a good friend of mine." Susan looks at her then at me, "she'll come around soon." She heads back into her office. We all grab chairs and circle around Claire and wait for her to wake. I have a feeling that she was talking about something else.

Claire's POV

"She needs to rest, don't try to wake her up," I hear Harry say. My body can't move, nor my eyelids, my sense of hearing is much stronger, probably because I'm still unconscious.

"I'm sorry, I just," Zayn says, his voice louder than Harry's. "I should've defended her, I shouldn't have listened to her and took her out of that situation." I start to hear him sob.

No, no, Zayn it's okay, don't cry. But then I remember that I'm still unconscious.

"Zayn it wasn't your fault that this happened," Harry tries to assure him. "Here, go to the lunch room and grab a water, take the boys with you, they've been crying too. I'll watch her." I hear shuffling in the background and the door opening and closing.

"So," Harry says.

So, I mentally reply back.

"Listen, or don't, I don't know if you can hear me right now but I think now is the best time to get this off of my chest." He takes ahold of my hand. No, this can't be.

"He seems to fancy you a bit." I hear Anne's voice in my head.

"I-I really like you a lot, I know I shouldn't, now that you and Zayn are going out but, I can't help it. That way that you laugh, smile, frown even. Everything that you do is just so perfect." He says, still caressing my hand. "I just wish that we could have a chance, that's all I'm asking. I'm in love with you Claire."

Harry, I'm sorry. Fuck, I curse, still forgetting that I'm unconscious. Harry can't love me, he needs to love someone else. I start to regain consciousness as I squeeze Harry's hand, making him jump. Right after, I hear the door open.

"Guys, she's awake," I hear Harry say as he lets go our grip. My eyes flutter open and the first thing I see is Zayn, his beautiful eyes are staring back at me.

"Hi," I greet them, my voice scratchy and dry. Zayn hands me a water as he tilts it, letting some water go into my mouth. The cooling sensation wakes me up a bit as I sit up. He leans in and kisses me, his mumbling vibrating our touch.

He pulls awake and smiles, "Hey baby."

"Let me guess, I blacked out?" They all nod and I sigh, leaning back into the bed. "Guys I'm really sorry that this happened."

"Claire it's alright, it just got out of hand," Louis tells me. I look at Harry, who is not paying attention to me, but to the poster on the wall.

"Can you give me and Harry a second alone?" Harry turns his body around and displays a confused look. Zayn looks at me confusingly also and I lean in to kiss his cheek.

"I just need to talk to him," I whisper in Zayn's ear and he nods. The boys leave the room, it's just me and Harry.

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