Chapter 1

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Claire's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Great another day in hell.

I've always hated school, mainly because of Harry Styles. He would always push me around, make me do his homework, and laugh at me. And his friends are no better either, their names are Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson. All of them would just laugh with him while they beat me up.

I tiredly get out of bed and take a quick shower. After getting out and drying myself, I look through my closet for something to wear.

I decide to wear a white tank top and a gray cardigan with dark blue skinny jeans matched with dark blue vans and I put my hair up in a messy bun. A casual look to start off the day.

Walking downstairs, I make myself some toast, something to steady satisfy my hunger. When I finish eating, I tell my mom to drop me off to school.

I see all of them at the entrance, talking and laughing. Trying to avoid them, I get caught anyways.

"Aww," Harry coos, "thought you could hide from us?" He says in his sarcastically sweet voice.

"No," I mumble and try to walk passed them, but Harry trips me, causing my books and papers to scatter all over the floor. Dammit.

"Oh well," he shrugs his shoulders, "see you later." Harry says smugly and walks away with his group. I quickly pick up my books and papers when the bell rings for class.

S.hit I'm gonna be late.

I run to my first class and came in just in time and took my seat. Unfortunately, I have Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis in every class so they can have more fun with me. And by fun I mean torture.

I usually sit in the middle and they all sit in the back so they could throw stuff at me.

The teacher begins the lesson and tells the class to take notes. Great.

I bring my notebook out and begin taking notes. I feel something hit the back of my head but I don't mind, because I know it's Harry. But when it happens again I snap and turn around.

"Can you knock it off?" I say, annoyance in my voice.

"Why should I?" He asks back, challenging me.

"Because it's very childish, something that is very familiar to you," I hear snickering from all the other students. I mentally smirk for sticking up for myself but immediately freeze for what Harry has to say next.

"You're gonna pay for that." I hear Harry say and I tense up. Quickly turning back, I continue doing my work but I couldn't concentrate with my hands shaking.

"You're gonna pay for that," rings in my head. I shouldn't have talked back to him.

The bell rings for free period and I quickly put everything away before they could catch up to me, but I feel someone grab my wrist. The grip was tight, knowing that it's Harry.

"Hey love, where are you going?" I quickly turn around to see him and his friends.

"T-To my n-next c-class," I stutter.

S.hit, why did I stutter?

"Are you afraid of us?" He coos, letting go of his grip.

"No," I say softly but loud enough for all of them to hear.

"Well you should be," He grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me against the wall, my bag and books falling to the ground.

"All of you get out of here!" Louis shouts, and the hallway clears in seconds. So much for my 'fellow classmates'.

I watch as Zayn and Louis hold my arms above my head as Niall and Liam pin my legs to the wall. Harry begins to throw punches to my stomach and I yelp out of in pain.

"Don't make this harder for yourself." He grunts and I keep my mouth ship while he continues to hit me. Every punch felt like fire. He looks so concentrated, like he wants me to feel pain.

When he was done, which felt like hours, I was lying on the floor crying while they all just laugh at me.

"See you in the next class," Zayn says smugly and they all walk away. Does he always have to have the last word?

I slowly push myself off the ground and limp towards the bathroom, and begin to wash up all the dirt from my face. I lift my shirt to see all the bruises that Harry left me. Countless marks and bruises appear on my stomach, which cover the other ones he made weeks ago which are still healing.

Why does this happen to me? But this is just a usual day, usual Friday for me. The pain is almost numb. I scan every part of my wrists and notice the dark marks that Zayn and Louis left me and I start crying. Wiping my tears, I head to class and try to focus on my work but my mind goes blank.

Liam's POV

Just another day of beating up Claire, I hope she's okay. I've never want to hurt her, but Harry is always doing this stuff to her. Well, I'm involved in this too. I also beat her up. I don't really know why we do this to her, she seems like a really nice person. So fragile and weakens by us. I need to talk to her when school's finished. I hope Harry doesn't find out, he'll kill me.

Claire's POV

The bell rings to go home and I begin to leave the campus. The perks of living near school is that I could just walk, which gives me my daily exercise.

As I'm walking, I have a feeling that someone was following me. Turning around, I see Liam, making my blood run cold. The fight or flight situation was put into play, but I didn't even give it a second though, so I ran. Liam's voice was calling my name, but I kept running. But my lack of rubbing skills has gotten to me as his figure is now in my line of vision.

"What's wrong love?" He says, looking at me in the eyes. I can almost see a hint of care but I brush it off.

"N-Nothing," I shake my head, walking past him.

"Wait!" Liam yells, grabbing my wrist, which was the same one that Harry bruised, causing me to wince in pain.

Liam notices my expression and lets go, quickly lifting my sleeve to reveal the bruise that Harry left, and the scars on my forearm.

"Y-You cut? Why?" He asks, causing me to laugh. Is he really asking this question?

"You wanna know why?" I pull back my forearm and almost burst from anger. "It's because of you and your friends. You, Harry, and your friends always make fun of me. You think it's so funny beating me up but wait till you see me in the newspaper with the headline "Girl Kills Herself." The look of shock is on his face but I don't stick around as I basically sprint to my house.

Arriving home, I speed to my room and let the tears start to fall from my face.

Thankfully my parents are working all night so they can't see me like this. Actually they never see me like this.

I take my blade out and hold it against my skin. I start to feel the tingling sensation before the blood drips out, my vision beginning to blur. I don't know why, but I look at the doorway, seeing a silhouette of someone walking closer to me

"What are you doing?" Was the last thing I heard until everything turns black.




This is the first official chapter I hope you like it. Again please excuse any errors. Thanks for reading.

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