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Jessica's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. After silencing it, I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. Upon reaching downstairs, I was welcomed by my favourite smell. Fried eggs with bacon. I entered the kitchen to see Cody at the stove. He was holding a spatula in one hand and a frying pan in the other. "Good morning." I said from behind me. He turned around smiled at me and replied: "Good morning to you too Jess." "You know you don't have to do all of this." I told him. "Don't worry bout this Jess." He assured me. "It's the least I can do after all you've been kind enough to allow me to stay here for a week." I smiled. He turned his attention back to the stove and said: "How about you give five more minutes and breakfast will be ready." "Ok." I replied. I decided not to disturb Cody so I went and waited in the dining room. Just as Cody promised, five minutes later breakfast was ready. He brought it out on two plates: one for himself and one for me. He placed the plate on the table for me and I thanked him. He then placed his own plate on the table and sat across from me. Before I took a bite of the food, I asked Cody. "Is Allie still sleeping?" "She is." He replied. "In that case, I'll go and wake her up if not we'll all be late for school." I said and got up from my chair but was stopped by Cody. "How about you just sit down and eat while I go and wake Allie up." He said. I let out sigh of defeat and agreed. I knew by now that it was no point in arguing with Cody. He'll end up winning anyways and I'll just have my energy drained. Moments later, Cody came back downstairs with a still sleepy Allie in tow. "Geez, it's hard to wake her up." Cody said as he sat down and let out an exhausted sigh. I chuckled. "How about next time I do the waking up part?" I asked him. He raised his hands up in defeat and said: "Next time I will never ever stop you from waking Allie up ever again." I laughed at his response. I got up from my chair and grabbed a bowl of cereal for Allie. I then sat back down and continued eating my breakfast. "Hmm. This is delicious." I said with a mouthful of food. "I'm glad you like it." Cody replied looking at me. "But I'm nowhere as good as you are in cooking." "Well, maybe I can show you how to cook sometime." I offered. "That's would be great." He replied. After breakfast, Cody offered to help with the dishes since he already had a shower while Allie and I showered and got ready for school. When I went back downstairs after getting dressed, the dishes were all done and there was no sign of Cody. I then knew that he must have gone to get ready. I took the opportunity to pack lunch for Allie. As soon as Allie came downstairs, I handed her lunch box and made sure that she put it in her bag. Minutes later, Cody came all dressed. "Ready to go?" He asked us as he grabbed his keys. "Yeah." Allie and I said in unision. So Cody started the engine and off we went. We first dropped Allie off at her school. Cody and I never talked throughout the car ride to school. At a red light, her turned to me and said: "I have something to tell you." "Go ahead Cody." "Well, today after school we're going to fetch my brother." He said. "What you have a brother? How come you never told me that? Why didn't I see him the other day?" I asked. "Well, you didn't get to see him the other day because he had to attend a week long program at another state. He'll be back today evening. I hope you don't mind him staying with us because it's already troublesome enough that I'm staying over at your place." "Don't worry about it Cody. I don't find it the least bit troublesome. Your brother is welcome to stay with us till our parents return." I assured him. "I can't thank you enough Jess." Cody told me. "No need to thank me. Just consider this as me repaying you for all that you've done for me." Cody smiled and kept his gaze back on the road while I looked outside the window also with a smile. Looks like being friends with Cody Christian isn't such a bad thing after all.

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