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Jessica's POV:

As soon as lunch was over we hung out a little bit longer at the mall. Daniel joined us too. We all just walked around casually talking, laughing and asking questions. Suddenly I asked Daniel: "So Daniel, how long will you be in town?" "I'll be here permanently. I just moved here a few days back. I'll be going to Pacific High. That's where you guys study am I right?" We all nodded in agreement. "Oh Daniel. That's great. It'll be just like old times."I said happily. "Yeah. Maybe you could show me around when I join perhaps Jess." Daniel said. "I would be glad to." I replied. At about 4'o clock, we decided to call it a day and leave. Daniel spoke up: "It was nice meeting you guys." And to me he said: "It's nice to finally see you again after so long again Jess. We certainly have a lot of catching up to do. Here's my number so we could set something up sometime around." He said. So, we both exchanged number and Daniel left. After that, I said goodbye to the guys and the girls and followed Cody to his car as he was supposed to be driving me back home. There was silence between us for half of the ride. Cody eyes were focused on the road. He refused to even look at me. That was strange. Cody never does that to me. Something's up. I'm sure of it. Cody's not the kind of person to go on ignoring me for no reason at all. I decided to break the silence and ask him what's wrong. At least I'll be at peace if I know what's his problem. "Cody..." I began nervously. He nodded for me to continue, his eyes still fixed on the road and not on me. "Are you alright? Are you mad at me or something? Did I do something wrong?" I asked him. He didn't answer me. He just remained silent. "C'mon Cody. Don't kill me with your kindness. Don't be so cold towards me. I can take if you're mad. If you by any chance are mad with me, just pour it all out and shout at me. I would be much happier if you scold me than you keeping quiet and ignoring me the whole time." "Look Jess." Cody began and turned to face me. "Sometimes, somethings are meant to be private. And I would like to keep it that way. So I hope that you understand that I need some space to think and calm down. So, please just don't annoy me with further questions." He said kinda harshly to me. I kept quiet. I knew that Cody wasn't himself. Although it hurt me that he didn't trust me enough to tell me his problems and the fact that he was harsh to me, I decided to keep quiet and give him time. Once he cools down, maybe he'll talk to me about it. Till then, it's best I keep my mouth shut and not ask anymore questions that would only result in him being more angry. So that was how it was until we reached my house. I got out of the house and said: "Goodbye Cody. Thanks for the wonderful day out. I really enjoyed it. See you at school on Monday." But Cody didn't say a word. I closed the door and walked into the house. It hurt to see Cody not avoiding me. Why was he doing it? Did I do anything to hurt him? I just don't know what's going on with him. With a sigh, I decided to take a shower. Maybe that will help me to get Cody outta my mind.

Cody's POV:

A wave of guilt washed over me. I really shouldn't have been rude to Jessica. She was only concerned about me. I wasn't mad at her. I was mad at Daniel. I have no idea why though. I only just met him. To me, it looks like he's trying to steal Jessica away from me. Why am I thinking that way? Is this what people call jealousy? Am I jealous of Jessica and Daniel's friendship? But why should I be? I'm fully confident that Jessica would choose me over Daniel anytime. But what if she doesn't? What if she chooses him instead? All these thought came rushing through my head. I shook my head as an attempt to stop myself from thinking those kind of stuff. I needed to focus on something much more important right now. I needed to clear my doubt this very instant. I know that I saw Daniel somewhere before. And I need to know who he exactly is and what is his motive. So I picked up my phone and rang Jordan up. He's the one who will be able to help me crack this mystery. I will reveal this to the other guys later on in school on Monday. But first I have to be sure myself. After three rings, Jordan picked up the phone. "Hey bro! What's up?" He asked me. "Hey Jordan, are you busy right now? Cause I really need your help." I told him. "Nope. I'm free now. What do you need my help for?" "'s about Daniel." I began. So I told him everything about my doubt. As soon as I finished Jordan said: "Come to think of it, Daniel does seem quite familiar from what you said. I think we've all seen him before. I think I might have proof for that. Let me just go find it and I'll send it to you." "Sure. Thanks Jordan." I said. "Anytime bro." He replied and hung up. About an hour later, my phone beeped. It was a message from Jordan. He did have proof like he said. It was a photo of Daniel. But what shocked me the most was that in the picture he was with a girl. And that girl was none other than Brittany. So that means Brittany and Daniel have a connection? Brittany hates Jessica. She's trying her level best to make me and Jessica fight so that she can be with me. What if that's how she's connected to Daniel? What if they both are planning something behind our backs? Worst still, what if this could hurt Jessica? I made up my mind. I gotta get to the bottom of this mystery and save Jessica before it's too late.

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