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Jessica's POV:

After Cody parked the car, we both walked together to the main hallway. "I guess I'll see you at lunch?" Cody asked me. "Yeah sure." I said. "Great." He replied and smiled at me. "See you later." He said before walking in the direction of his locker. I did the same. While I was putting away my stuff at my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Brittany the captain of the cheerleaders. Brittany was the most popular girl in the school. She has all the guys under her spell just by one look. I wonder what's she doing here? "Yes?" I asked. "I see that you and Cody were walking together." She said playing with her nails. "Yeah, so?" I asked her clearly confused why was she actually talking to me. "I want you to stay away from him." She said bluntly. " "Why do I have to stay away from him?" "Because he's mine and I don't want you stealing him away from me." She said. I laughed and said: "We're not even dating. We're just friends I swear." I told her. "Doesn't matter for me. Friends or not just stay away from him. If not you'll suffer consequences." She told me. "What consequences?" Brittany came closer to me and said: "Listen up Williams. I guess you don't know about me considering the way you're talking to me. I want Cody and I will do anything to get him. And if you come in my way, I'll make your life a living hell. So it's best you back off because my marks my words, I'll be your worst enemy if you don't." She said and walked away. I stood there stunned, totally confused of what the hell just happened. It's only been a day since me and Cody actually started talking properly and people have already jumped to conclusions that we're an item? That's so sickening. Can't a guy and a girl be spotted together as friends instead of a couple? I sighed as I shut my locker and walked to my class.

Cody's POV:

During lunch break, I walked into the cafeteria. My eyes were scanning the place looking for Jessica. Finally, I found her. She was seated at the middle table with her friends: Chloe, Marie, Kayla and Stephanie. I walked to them and said: "Do you mind if my boys and I join you guys?" I asked. "No problem by me. You're welcome to sit here." Jessica answered and so I did while the girls were staring at us dumbfounded. "I thought you guys hated each other." Chloe said. "Yeah, just a few days ago you couldn't stand the sight of him Jess." Stephanie added. "I guess I was pretty harsh towards him girls. I finally realized that and decided to give him a chance." Jessica replied. "Took you long enough Jess." Marie said. Jessica rolled her eyes and burst into fits of laughter. Soon enough all of us were laughing. I turned around to see if the boys were here yet and sure enough they were. They were searching for me. I shouted: "Over here guys!" And waved my hand. They noticed me and came over. As soon as they sat, Jordan asked: "I thought you two were rivals?" Jessica groaned. "Do we have to say the whole thing again?" "Again? So we're not the only one who aren't aware of this whole situation?" Blake asked. "Yeah buddy. You're not the only one. Clearly we were as confused about what happened as you are right now." Marie said. And so we ended up repeating everything from the scratch. And as soon as we were finished, I earned a few "I told you so" looks from the guys and Jessica got the same from the girls. "You know Cody..." Jessica spoke up. "You haven't quite introduced me to your friends over here." "Really, Cody. How could you forget about us? I know you're excited about finally making a new friend but that doesn't mean you forget your bros." Julian said. I glared at him but he couldn't seem to be bothered. "I'm sorry bout that. These are my buddies: Julian, Carlos, Jordan and Blake." I said. "It's a pleasure to meet you Jessica. Hope you're the kind of girl who love having fun." Jordan said. "Any why is that?" Jessica asked. "Because we guys are gonna turn your life upside down." He replied. "I already saw that coming." Jessica said and laughed. And basically that's how the whole lunch went by. We just chatted and chatted about random things till the bell rang.

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