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Jessica's POV:

As soon as we got out of the car, music blasting from the loud speakers filled my ears. The music was so loud that I thought I would become deaf. But I put that thought aside and focused on the view in front of me. Cody's house was huge. Typically rich people's kind of house. Instead of entering the house, I just stood in the same spot I was in and stared at the house in awe. Maybe it was because I've never lived in such a big house in my entire life. Cody noticed me staring at his house and chuckled: "I assume that it's your first time seeing a big house." He said. "This is only the beginning. Let me show you around." Cody added and took my hand. He gave me a full tour of his house. It's even better than the outside. The house has four bedrooms upstairs and another one downstairs. It even has a beautiful balcony at the top. The garden was huge and I now understand why Cody loves to throw parties. This house is big enough to have parties every week. We went back out to the garden after the tour. From my observation, the party was in full swing mode already. There was a huge crowd of people here. They were all in different corners of the house. It looks like the whole neighbourhood got crammed into Cody's big and posh house. I saw Chloe, Marie, Kayla and Stephanie at a corner so I walked towards them to say hi. "Hi girls." I said. "Hey Jess! I thought you weren't going to show up." Chloe said. "Believe me, me coming to this party was definitely not my choice. Cody had my hands tied so I had no choice but to come to this party." "I wonder how did Cody manage to convince you to come to the party considering we tried so hard to convince you to come but failed miserably." Stephanie said curiously. "I have my ways." Cody said behind my back. "How long were you standing behind me?" I asked him. "I noticed you were missing so I came looking for you. I noticed you were all indulged in a conversation so I decided to come by and say hello to the girls." He replied. "So Cody, we're curious. How'd you manage to convince Jess to come?" Marie asked. "Like I said I have my ways to do that." Cody replied her and threw a wink in my direction. Why did he wink at me? Was he trying to flirt with me? Does this wink mean anything? All these questions came rushing through my mind. But I shrugged them off and told myself that I was overthinking it. It was just a wink after all and Cody's my friend so it's not such a big deal. We all talked for a while laughing at some random stupid stuff that we said. A while later, Cody asked us: "Hey girls, how bout we dance?" At once, Chloe, Stephanie, Kayla and Marie squealed in excitement and said: "Definitely." I shook my head. "I'm not in the mood for dancing. But you guys go on ahead. I'll watch you guys from here." "Your such a bore Jess." Kayla pointed out. "C'mon Jess. It'll be fun." Chloe said. "Yeah Jess. Chloe's right." Cody said while grabbing my hand and pulling me to the middle of the dance floor. As soon as he did that, everyone was silent. It was a total pin drop silence. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Five seconds later, They all started to chant: "Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!" I looked at Cody. He said: "C'mon Jess. Do it for the crowd cheering for you at least." I took a deep breath. It's only a dance Jessica. I told myself. Just show em' what you got. The DJ began to play the music and I began to dance with everything I had. I could hear people whistling and cheering for me at the top of their voices. As soon as I was done, I received a huge round of applause from everyone. Cody said to me: "Those moves were sick! I didn't know you could dance Jess?" "I used to dance when I was little and whenever I feel down because I feel that dancing helps me to express myself. But I haven't done much dancing in this past few years so yeah." "What are you not good at? You never fail to impress me all the time Jessica Williams." Cody said. "I'm one of a kind Cody Christian and I'm proud to be that way." I said to him and smiled. And that is basically how the whole night went on. We drank some party punch, talked and sang and danced to the top of our voices. I must say I really enjoyed myself tonight. And it's all thanks to Cody. Before I left that night, I thanked him. He was kinda surprised when I did so. "Why are you thanking me Jess? I didn't do anything." He told me. "Thank you for inviting me to your party and for giving me the time of my life Cody. I never knew how to have fun until today." I told him. "No problem Jess. It's not that you don't know how to have fun. You just needed someone to encourage you to have fun." Cody replied. He was right. Maybe it was time for me to push my problems aside and just enjoy myself for once in my life.

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