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Jessica's POV:

It's been months since that horrifying incident occurred. I finally managed to look past the incident and moved on thanks to the help of Cody and my friends. As for Daniel and Brittany, they were both serving their sentences in jail. In the end, they both got what they deserved for trying to separate Cody and I. Speaking of Cody, things between us have been going great. I've realized that Cody has been wanting to spend more time with me lately. He gives up going to places to have just for the sake of spending time for me. I really appreciate it but I still don't understand why is he giving up his favourite things just for my sake. Am I that important to him?On Monday, the girls and I were catching up a little with each other while waiting for the first bell to ring. We talked about what we did on the weekends. "Hey, you guys know that prom is only a week away right?" Kayla asked suddenly. "Of course, who could forget prom night?" I asked. Prom was one of the highlights of the whole school year and I loved it. "So who are your partners girls?" Stephanie asked. "I'm going with Julian." Kayla said and blushed. "He asked you?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, we're together now." Kayla said. "OMG girl! That's great I'm so happy for you." I said and hugged Kayla. "What about the rest of you girls?" I asked them. "Well, Marie's going with Blake, Chloe's with Jordan and Stephanie's with Carlos." Kayla said. "As in officially dating?" I asked and they all nodded. "My goodness guys! I'm so happy for all of you. But why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked them. "We really didn't expect it to happen. We were all in shock ourselves." Kayla explained. "Now, let's talk about you Jess. Who are you going to prom with?" Stephanie asked. "I'm not sure. I haven't been asked yet. Maybe I'll come alone." I said. "What? You haven't been asked to go to prom?" Chloe asked in surprise. I nodded. "Well, it's not too late to be asked. Prom is still a week away." Kayla said. "Who would ever want to go to prom with me?" I asked and let out a laugh. "I don't know but I know of someone who would." Stephanie said and began to snicker. I looked at her confused. "Do you guys know something that I don't?" I asked. "What are you even talking about?" Marie asked. But their facial expressions are giving it away. "I know you guys know something that I don't so please tell me." I begged. "If we tell you what it is, then it won't be a surprise now won't it?" Marie said. "You'll have to wait and see for yourself Jess." She added. I groaned in frustration. I was getting impatient by the minute. What could possibly be the thing that the girls are hiding from me? Finally, the bell rang and we all walked away to our respective classes. The morning classes went by pretty slow if you ask me. All through, I kept thinking of that 'surprise'. I wondered what it could be. Finally, class was over and it was now lunch time. I went to put away my books at my locker when I got a message from Cody:

Meet me in the school field in five minutes.

I was beyond confused. Why does he want to meet me at the school field? He could have met me in the cafeteria if he wanted to. Something's up that's for sure. I decided to find out myself. So I went and waited at the school field just like Cody told me to do. There he was seated on one of the benches. As soon as he saw me, he got up and walked towards me with a smile on his face. "You made it." He said as soon as he stopped right in front of me. "Yeah. Is there something important Cody?" I asked him. "Yeah. I have an important question to ask you." He said sounding nervous. "Sure. Ask away." I said airily. "Come with me." He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me to the middle of the field. He walked away from me, grabbed something and hid it behind his back and then walked back to me. "I don't have some extraordinary way to see it and I'm too embarrassed to ask in front of a crowd of people that's why I asked you to meet me here." He began. I looked straight at him as a sign for him to continue. He then revealed what he was hiding behind his back. It was a poster that said:

I covered my mouth in shock

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I covered my mouth in shock. It was beautiful. I can't believe that he spent time making it. He looked at me and asked: "So watcha say Jess? Go to prom with me?" He looked nervous as he waited for my reaction. "Yes. I'll go to prom with you Cody." I replied and his face instantly lit up with a smile. I smiled too. "Thanks Jess." He said as he handed me the poster to keep. "You're welcome." I said. After school, I met up with Stephanie, Kayla, Marie and Chloe. "So did you get asked to prom yet?" Chloe asked with a wink. "You guys knew all about it, didn't you?" I asked. with a raised eyebrow. "Of course we did. But first, answer our question." Kayla demanded. "Yes Cody asked me to prom." I told them. "What was your answer?" Stephanie asked. "I said yes." I replied. And instantly, the all jumped in the air like little kids. "C'mon guys. It's not like he officially asked me to be his girlfriend or something." I told them. "In a matter of fact he will." Kayla said and for some reason my cheeks turn bright red. "Aww. you're blushing Jess." Stephanie began to tease me. "Stop it. That's enough teasing for now girls." I said while throwing them a glare. "Ok. Are you guys free this Saturday? We need to shop for our dresses." Marie said and we all nodded. That whole day, I couldn't stop imagining how would it be like to go to prom with Cody. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about it. And somehow, I feel a different feeling whenever I'm around him these days. I think... yes I'm falling for Cody Christian.

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