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Jessica's POV:

It's been almost ten days since the fight. I haven't spoke to Cody ever since. I always avoid him whenever I see him. Once or twice, Cody tried to get my attention and try to talk to me but I didn't let that happen. After that, he must have taught that it was useless so he gave up. Because of the two of us not talking to each other, our friends find it hard as they have to pick sides now. But I'm not the type of person to keep them from talking to Cody. It's their choice if they want to talk to him or not. I have nothing to do with it and I will also not stop them from doing so. As long as they don't bring up Cody in our conversations then it's fine by me. I don't want to hear anything about him anymore. But sometimes when I'm alone, I can't help but think about all those good times that we shared. Cody was always there for me when I needed him. He always knew how to cheer me up. Why then, all because of Daniel's arrival does jealousy have to play its game? I just don't understand. How can I hate someone but miss them at the same time? Thankfully, I have Daniel to keep me sane during this time. He keeps advising me to get over him but I don't think it's that easy to get over Cody. Why oh why does this always happen to me?

Cody's POV:

There is a game coming up this Friday evening. I really hope Jessica comes for the game. I'm trying desperately to talk to her but she's not giving me a chance to do so. I guess she's still mad at me about the fight. I know very well that she isn't quite over it. But the way she's been acting these days has got me thinking that all this has got something to do with Daniel. These parts few days, Daniel and Jessica were inseparable. They always went everything together. They would walk past me and pretend like I was invisible. But when they were few feet away from me, Daniel would always look back and give me a mean look. That guy is so gonna get it from me one day. Wait till the truth comes out, then we'll see who's gonna give who looks. Anyways, when I was at my locker taking out my books for my next subject, Brittany came over to me. "Hey babe!" She said in a flirty tone leaning against the side of my locker. That tone of hers always makes me wanna throw up because it's so disgusting and I really hate it. "I see you and you're friend Jessica have had a fight. Oh, I feel so sorry about the whole thing. I kinda knew this was coming. I tried to warn you babe. She's a user and once she has got what she wants, she just leaves you in the dump and walks away. But don't worry, you've got me and I'll be perfect for you in every way you could possibly want me to be." By the time she finished talking, my blood was boiling. I want to just take her by the hair and punch that perfect face of hers right there that very instant. That was how mad I was at that time. "Brittany, how many times have I to tell you that you and me are never gonna happen. Not even in your dreams." I told her sternly. "And yeah, maybe Jessica and I may be fighting now but this is all temporary. And I know that you played a big role in this whole situation and that makes me feel like killing you on the spot. You're lucky you're a girl or else I would not hesitate to kill you this very instant. And stop trying to create friction between Jessica and I or else you'll deeply regret it Brittany. I'll be your worst enemy for the rest of your life." I said. At that, I slammed the door of my locker and turned to walk away from there because I knew that if I stood there a second longer, I would end up doing something stupid that I would regret later on. But before I could leave, Brittany shouted behind my back: "This is over yet Cody. I want you and I will go to any extent to make you mine. And I will destroy anyone who dares to come my way. Even if it's your best friend Jessica." I shook my head in disbelief. What will this crazy girl come with next?

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