Lost and Insecure

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Percy POV
"Zoe! Hurry up!" I shouted as the daughter of Atlas walked behind me. She smiled at me and jumped on a rock in the creek. I let out a small giggle and picked up a rock. I skipped it across the creek. Zoe and I had been traveling West for for past 2 days. "Zoe!" I shouted and I heard a muffled scream. I ran towards the scream and kept tripping on rocks and algae. The hunters. "Let her go!" I shouted and Artemis walked from the middle of the hunt. "Percy... please come with us. Please." Artemis begged. "Gods no. You pinned me to a tree with your arrows in my hand. You tortured me. Whipped me. Humiliated me. You believed me over that scum of a brother because you were FUCKING him!" All the girls gasped. "M-my lady" Emmie stumbled and looked at her. Jo gripped her hand tightly. "Percy. Please come with me. We can talk this over. Please" her voice cracked. "Artemis we have been friends our whole lives. We were the 14th and 15th olympians. You know we created this group of hunters, but it was my idea. I let you lead the group. I let you tell your father you came up with it. I did so much for you!" Percy chocked back a sob as a tear ran down his face. Artemis' eyes watered. "Let Zoe go." I mumbled. "We-we can't do that Perce." The hunters mumbled and I let my tears fall. "You want to take everything from me?! You want to break me. Zoe is the only one who truly loves me! It's not like I don't know what you say behind my back! The things you call me. And you." I pointed at Artemis. "I loved you. I would take all the arrows in the world for you. I adored you. You were my crush. I wanted to be with you for as long as I can remember. But you betrayed me. Left me for dead. All of you! Now stop following me. And Zoe will be coming with me. Or I will have to take action." Percy shouted but softly said the last part. "She-she won't come with you." Artemis shouted and tears dropped down the goddess' face. "Then you know what must happen." Percy glared at her and took out the weapon Zoe had given him. He took the cap off and a three foot bronze sword appeared with water on the tip of the blade. Artemis pulled out her bow and Percy charged. Artemis shot arrows at him but Percy sliced them in half. He swung and his sword met Artemis' bow. CRACK! Percy's sword had cut through her bow and she looked at her ankle. Golden blood was leaking out as a long gash appeared on her leg. Artemis quickly drew her bow and shot Percy in the thigh. He jumped and did a full backflip from the pain. He pulled out the arrow and snapped it. This only angered Percy. He charged at Artemis and swung. Two swords met and the two fought. Since Percy's wound was only a arrow it healed quickly but Artemis limped. She was defending slower and slower. Soon Percy struck the same leg leaving a even deeper gash. She shouted in pain. Percy swept her legs from underneath her and she fell on her back. Then Artemis shot him in the gut. Percy stumbled backwards. Golden inchor dropped from his mouth. "AGHH" he shouted his teeth golden from the blood. Artemis winced and got onto her feet. Percy stood at the edge of the cliff and looked into Artemis' eyes. "You.....did.... this" Percy pointed at Artemis and blood dropped from his mouth to the soil. Artemis wiped a tear and ran to Percy. Percy fell backwards and plummeted down the cliff. He landed in the creek and regained strength. He got to his feet his wound already healed. He ran off into the forest and cried. He found a cave. He sat there and cried. He cried until his eyes went dry. "Why... Me?" He asked the gods and tilted his head back. He fell asleep.
Zoe shouted at the hunters. "He will never return. And neither will I! He was the best warrior this camp has ever seen. And he's gone! Because of you!" Zoe pointed at Artemis. "Because you were fucking Orion by the creek. You didn't even know how Percy felt nor did you care. You are dead to both of us. And he will never help you. Not even when this new threat you speak of rises. I wont be supprised if he joins the enemy! I'm out of here. And don't follow me!" Zoe shouted and stormed off. Then the dream shifted. Artemis sat in her tent crying and looking at a picture of her and Percy together in Zeus' palace. The two loved to play tag there. Artemis cried and huddled up into a ball. "Gods Percy. I'm so sorry. Please understand me. " Artemis sobbed and looked at her knife and held it to her wrist. Then the dream shifted again. A god and goddess sat there laughing. "This is Perfect. Perseus and Artemis are split. Now we can remove the hunters before we take on the camps. Then our only problem will be the strongest Olympian. The 15th olympian. The goddess' voice thundered and Percy woke up. Birds chirped and he sat in his cave. He just stayed there. His eyes were swollen from crying and he just sat there. He thought about the goddess. The 15th Olympian was Percy. Was he truly the strongest. Had he not reached his potential power limit? Percy wondered a lot of things. He heard a familiar voice calling his name and tackled Zoe Nightshade in a huge hug. He looked into her eyes and she looked into his. He smiled and...

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