Chapter 24

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Percy POV
"Perseus, we know who you are." The man on the right smiled. "Who are you?" I asked and Reyna glared behind me. "I am Tom. Sent here by Tartarus." He smiled. "Sent here to kill you. " the man grinned and equipped two swords out of no where. I sighed and summoned two daggers. He slashed and I blocked his sword and slashed at his arm, making him shout in pain. He switched hands and slashed at me again, only to be blocked again and shanked in his stomach. Blood seeped from his mouth. "Well done, Perseus." He grinned with blood on his teeth. He fell to the floor and teleported away. "What was that?!" Reyna shouted. "Don't know." I washed my hands in the sink. "Someone sent by Tartarus." I added. "Son of Gaea?" Reyna asked. "Thought offspring of Poseidon and Gaea were cyclops'." She said lowly. "Most are. I'm special." I grinned and she laughed. "Can you use earth powers?" She asked. "Sorta." I walked over to my shower and she followed. I took off my bloody shirt and it teleported away. She continued to ask questions. "Uh Reyna." I looked at her. "I'm gonna take a shower." She blushed. "Oh, my bad. I'll get going then." She smiled and I walked into the warm comforting water.
Artemis POV
Blackness. All I could see was darkness. Then my vision helped me. "Where am I?" I spat. "Somewhere fun." A voice said and stayed in the darkness. Tartarus popped out of the dark and grinned. "For every letter you speak, one item of clothing gets cut off. Looks like your clothing is coming off." He grinned and all my clothing came off with a snap. I struggled as a tear fell from my eye. 'Percy. Help me' I called in my mind. All the sudden a blue, brown, and black flash appeared infront of me. "Artemis?" Percy asked and Tartarus leaped towered him. He rolled out the way and slashed Tartarus on his back. "You did this?" He glared at Tartarus. He only laughed. Percy charged at him and slashed his legs as he slid under them. He stabbed Tartarus in the back and Tartarus turned to dust. Percy ran over to me as I cried and struggled to get out of my chains. Percy slashed the chains and took off his shirt. "Here." He gave me his baggy shirt and I slipped into it quickly. He teleported me to his room and I fell right into the bed and went to a deep sleep.

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