Chapter 53

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Reyna held Jason's arm, as his blood slowly seeped through her fingers.
"It's going to be okay, just stay calm." Reyna whispered and I threw her a pack of ambrosia.
She shoved it in Jason's mouth and he engulfed it. The enormous wound slowly started to close. His breathing slowed down and Reyna set his head to lean on the wall.
Two monsters slowly walked across the hallway, scared as anything.
"Come put little demigods. You have the pleasure to die at the hands of Gaea's servants." They said and the other ones gulp could be heard.
"Dude, what if Percy is with them?" He asked and the other one snickered.
"I'll kill him myself, and bring the limp body to Gaea." He said promptly.
"She wouldn't want that. She wants him alive." He said and stuttered.
Then I ran my sword through the scared ones skull.
He turned into sand and the other one jumped.
"Perseus. It'll be fun killing you." He said and threw a taser at me.
I fell to the floor, feeling electric flow through my body.
He raised his sword, and I fought the pain. I grabbed his neck and slammed him against the wall. His eyes seemingly popped out of his head as my fist ran through his neck like a rock thrown into water.
As the sand fell to the floor, it seemed like hell seeped through the smallest cracks in the cement walls.
'Youuuu can never win, foolish children....'
The sound seemed to echo through out the hallway, and it made me shiver down to my spine.
"Tartarus. Nothing to be worried about." I said and Reyna nodded.
"Let's get out of here, we know this place leads to where they are staying." I said and Reyna helped Jason up. Jason groaned and we worked our way out of the maze.
About 3 hours of walking through pitch black darkness, we found the way out of the mouantain.
A huge crowd waited for us outside of the entrance.
"Tomorrow! Hazel will find a way through the tunnels. In 3 days we march onto Gaea's camp. But not all of us. Her strongest troops wait for us. I will select demigods to come with me. Everyone else will hike around the mountains and pinch them in the valley. " I shouted and everyone cheered.
(Sorry ab the font i couldn't change it back.)
Later that night Reyna walked up to me.
"Hey Percy." She said and I nodded.
"What's up." I responded and she pulled me aside.
"Percy, I think Jason is having an affair with someone." She said and I looked at her oddly.
"With who?" I asked and Reyna sighed.
"Either Hazel or Ziana." She said and my entire body tensed up.
"No way it's with Ziana." I said and clenched my fists.
"Look Percy, I don't know, but it's one or the other. Jason was gone and so was Ziana and Hazel. I don't know which one it is, but it's one of them." She said and I nodded.
"It's something we can worry about later." I sighed and headed into my cabin.
The next day consisted of Hazel navigating through the cave to find a safe passage to the camp. Leo made retractable torches so we could equip them quickly and retract them fast.
Two days later and I was wandering through the path Hazel had found. Reyna, Leo, Jason, Hazel, Carter, Zia, Sadie, and Walt followed behind me.
"Percy, you sure this is the way?" Sadie asked and Reyna quickly responded.
"Yes. Just follow along." Reyna said firmly and Sadie sighed and kept walking. Hours of wandering through the caves and we finally found a way into the valley.
"Set up camp, I'll check out our surroundings." I said and everyone nodded.
As I walked down the slick slope, I felt like something was wrong. I unsheathed riptide and laughter echoed around me.
"Perseus. You cannot win my son." Gaea stood infront of me and I glared.
"Don't call me your son." I spat and she sighed.
"Perseus, I wish you could understand that I did all this for you." Gaea said and I nodded in disapproval.
"What? Make the human race almost go extinct."
"You would've killed them yourself. Your chaos magic, you can't control it." She spat.
Gods I had almost forgot about that.
"Percy you kill everyone you love. Remember Zoe?" She spat and memories shot into my head. Zoe and I kissing. Us together looking at the stars with my arm around her waist.
Then I saw Zoe getting killed by Atlas.
Her bloody body laying on the floor, and the words Gaea had wanted her to say.
"It's... all... your fault." Zoe said, blood dripping down her cheek.
I fell to my knees and Gaea snickered.
"Annabeth?" She said and it showed Annabeth and I sitting by the lake. Annabeth and I kissing under water in our little bubble.
Then it showed the arrow piercing through her body. Blood dripping down her limp body.
"S-stop." I said as tears dropped onto the dirt floor.
"Piper." She said and it showed piper and I kissing on top of the Argo ||.
It showed piper being stabbed in the back by Arachne, and her body falling into the pit.
"And don't forget. Artemis."
It showed Artemis and I climbing up mount olympus. It showed us sitting by the fire and kissing. It showed us fighting giants and then it showed her possessed by Gaea. It showed my stabbing her in the chest, and her gasping for air.
"STOP." I shouted and the earth rose up.
"Hehe. Percy you might be the son of the earth, but I am the earth." She said and shot rocks at me. I stumbled backwards and I summoned the water in the earth and it shot at Gaea.
She stumbled backwards and I smiled.
"My son I will make you join me sooner or later. When everyone you love is dead, you will join." Gaea smiled and I nodded.
"I'd rather die." I spat and she smiled.
"I hope your new girlfriend, Ziana, isn't next." Gaea smiled and I screamed and slashed riptide at her. It sliced through her body and she sank back into the earth.
My heavy breathing slowed down and I started making my way back to camp.
"When our army marches, right when, is when we destroy them." I gritted my teeth and told Reyna. She nodded and I slid into my tent. Reyna followed and I looked at her.
"I just don't feel like sleeping with Jason." She sighed and I nodded. She started making a wall of pillows and I sighed.
"Reyna, it's fine. You don't have to worry." I smiled and tears started falling from her eyes. I hugged her and she cried in my arms.
I held her until she fell asleep and then softly set her down onto her pillow. I tucked her under the covers and put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

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