Watch Out.

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Percy POV
I gasped for air and stumbled down onto the cold grass. My thigh was injured and my lung was punctured. "You can not kill Kronos!" Shouted a voice and loud steps boomed. I shuffled onto my feet and there stood the titan Iapetus. He was holding a shield and a sword. "Leave... o-or your next." I managed to spit out. "Haha young god, you did not kill Kronos, only set him back minorally. He will be back within a year." The titan shouted. He threw his shield at me and I rolled onto the floor. It flew past me and I grabbed my trident. He gripped his sword and I shouted. I swung and his sword matched my trident. He snapped his fingers and we appeared in front of camp half blood. All the campers watched in horror. I lunged at him and he jumped on top of me. Artemis struggles but my guards were strong. The titan stabbed his sword through my calf and I shouted in pain. Inchor dripped out my body and life sprouted. He laughed and I rolled over and stuck my trident in his chest. He looked stunned and threw his sword at me. The but of his sword hit my head and left a bloody spot. My inchor was changing colors, but this only happened to Ares, or true warrior gods. "I got killed by a warrior." The titan said and fell into the earth and sank. The campers cheered but looked up. Oceanus stood there and he spat on the floor. "Your no son of the sea!" He shouted and shot a coral spear through my arm. I cried out in pain and yanked it out. I stood up and limped over to him. He smiled and threw another spear, hitting my knee. I fell down and slashed at his legs. He jumped and drove a spear through my hand. "AGHH" I shouted and looked up. I saw the blonde girl with those stormy eyes crying over me. Why me, did she really love me that much? I got up and my flesh was hanging out of my hand. I winced and as Oceanus kicked at tree trunks my trident went through his neck. He coughed up Golden inchor and fell to the floor before fading into golden dust. The camp cheered and I fell onto the floor. Artemis walked up and kicked my chest. Blood fell all over my body and onto her shoe. She spat on me and then walked away. My vision flickered and went black.
"Is He going to be okay? That's my boyfriend!" A girl shouted. Then another shouted. "You kicked and spat on him when he saved the camp!" then my hearing faded again. "Orion, I miss you so much. Please come visit me, because Percy has not realized our new affair." And then my world went black.

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