Chapter 27.

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Artemis POV
The bright sun shone through the window and into my eyes. I groaned and covered Percy with a blanket. That boy deserved some sleep. I took a quick shower and walked outside, going on my early run. When I returned, I saw Reyna arguing with someone.
"Hazel, I don't care. She must take her hunters and go." Reyna glared and I walked up. "What's going on?" I asked calmly and Reyna rolled her eyes. "Percy is the one fighting this war, not you. Take your hunters and leave. Percy must focus on training." Reyna glared at me and I could feel her eyes burning into my forehead. "What? No-" I was cut off by her slapping me in the face. "You know it's what you have to do. Percy has to save Olympus. Don't be mad he's the strongest god." Reyna glared and thunder boomed across the sky. I turned away and dreaded the walk back to where Percy and I were staying.
Percy POV
Darkness. All I could see was darkness.
"PERSEUS!" The monster shouted before me. It laughed. "You can not defeat me. I am the killer of gods." The darkness smiled and I spotted his yellow teeth and chapped and cut lips. I shuddered.
"Percy." Someone whispered and shook my shoulders. My eyes slowly opened and I looked up to see Artemis beside me. "Hello." I smiled and she looked at me moodfully. "I must leave camp. Watch for the hunt." She whispered in my ear and snapped her fingers. She dissapeared and I sighed. "Right when I had her. Right when everything was great." I sighed and snapped my fingers and a video camera appeared.
It started playing.
"Hello. Gods of Olympus, and demigods before them, it is I, Percy. I'm filming this to say I don't regret anything. I will sacrifice my life for Olympus, no matter the cost. I will never give up and will fight till my death comes. Unfortunately if your seeing this, my death has come. I love you Artemis, and I love Olympus. Long live the gods." I smiled and the camera stopped playing.
I walked outside and equipped my trident. I slashed at dummy's and punched and kicked. Reyna ran up. "Gaea's forces spotted near San Francisco's bay." She slipped her armor on. "Gather the forces. We must defend the coast." I nodded at her and snapped my fingers. My shirt was removed, and I only had small, ripped jeans on.
As I led the forces to Sanfrancisco, I imagined my death. My horrific death.
How would it go? How would I go?
It was a thought for later. The Titan Hyperion smiled weakly at me and I swung my trident. "Attack!" I screamed and Roman troops charged.
Hyperion swung his sword at a camper and I blocked it with my trident. I hit him with the but of the trident and he stumbled and smiled . He slashed at me and sliced my arm. I shouted in pain and fell onto my knees. He grinned and swung his sword, and I blocked it with my trident.
'Call on the earth, Perseus.' The voice whispered in my head. 'Who is this?' I snapped.
'Whatever Good is left in your mom.' Gaea said and her voice faded.
I closed my eyes and felt the earth around me. I felt the rocks and the soil. Every layer of dirt and sediment underground. I screamed and a bolder flew at Hyperion's head. He sliced it in half, but he was a little late. I charged and stuck my trident into his left shin.
He shouted in pain.
I towered over him, and he begged mercy. "This is war. There is no mercy."
I spat and jumped up, gripped my trident and slammed it into his throat.
The titan slowly turned into golden dust, and blew away in the wind. I looked around me at the battlefield. Campers and monsters still fought, and I spotted dead campers everywhere.
Reyna POV
As two Cyclops's swung there clubs I blocked with my sword, but the force was way to strong. I slammed against a tree and gasped for air. Someone screamed and a arrow flew for me.
The arrow landed in my thigh and I screamed in pain. I looked up and spotted a shadow moving across the battle field. Slashing and punching and kicking. Our savior, I thought before I passed out.
Several Hours Later.
I woke up in my Praetor room, with a bandage around my thigh, and a get well soon card with some flowers.
Someone sat in the corner of the room, pacing.
"Hello?" I asked.
It was Percy.
"We can't win. My mother told me this."
"The evil one we are fighting against?"
"Whatever Good was left of her." He sighed and sat down.
"We need to get Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter together. To fight together. Where the big battle will begin."
"Where will that be?"
"Half-Blood Hill." Percy said strictly and walked out of the room.

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