It's been months since Avinna blacked out. She was in a coma At a shield base. Her body endured to much torture and went into shock and shut down.
"What if she stays this way and never wakes up?" Agent hill looks at her monitors. "Then we'll never know who she is and what she is. I mean she been asleep for a while. Her wounds aren't healing. What even happened out there?"
Coulson looked at the report " it says this lady attacked them with ... water. She was naked in the. Water fall and somehow pulled Natasha in." He flipped a couple pages. "Says the clothes at the scene was armor like a cat. And pure gold. Sounds like she's just like that Thor God."
"I'll take her." A man in a snazzy business suit walked in.
"Why does she interest you mr stark?" Agent hill cross her arms.
"You have no reason to keep her and she hasn't got any better. My computers are faster and I'm a scientist. Why wouldn't I want her?" Mr stark tapped her arm. "So human like."
"No." Agent hill answers.
"No offense but I don't take orders from people who aren't in charge." Mr stark stared at her strongly.
"Let him take her." Fury walked in. "Hell he's trying to help us."
"There see!" Mr stark celebrates.
"But everything must be reported in. Or I'll pull the plug." Fury walks up to mr stark. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Aye aye captain" mr stark smiles and snaps his finger. Men enter the room and start to take her way. "Don't worry I'll take good care of her." Mr stark says on his way out.
(At the stark tower)
"Jarvis run through her vitals and do a recreation of what happened when they found her from the report." Mr stark spoke to his A.I. System as he walked up stairs.
"Yes sir. I'll get right on it. It will take time to render." Jarvis spoke back.
.... little while later .....
"Tony! Tony! Tony!"a man knocks on the talk tower door.
"Mr stark. It would seem you have a visitor." Jarvis informs Mr Stark.
"Ah yeah I got that Jarvis." Tony opens the door. "What are you doing here ice man?"
"Hello to you Tony. I heard you have someone here and Fury wanted me to be here for that someone." The ice man walks in the tower.
"So you're a spy? God you can't help but to take orders after all the years in ice. Steve you gotta loosen up." Tony followed steve to the living room.
"So where is the body?" Steve looked to Tony.
"You're really into this." Tony smirked and poured himself a drink.
"Sir i finished running her vitals and rendering the reenactment."
"Thank you Jarvis. Come on cap let's go see a show." Tony walked to the elevator with Steve.
They both walk into the large room to see the Avinna on a bed in the middle of the room filled with a large computer screen and medical scientific stuff all around. Like a mechanic shop slash lab.
"Yeah I know. Never seen one of these huh ice man?" Tony walks to the center "play the re-enactment Jarvis."
Three projector type lights come on and project a 3D imagine of a layout of a land. Then Natasha and Clint and a waterfall.
"Play it Jarvis."
You see Natasha walk towards the water and touch it. Soon to be dragged in and lifted as the woman walks out of the water. Soon an arrow from Clint and them scrambling to get the woman out the water.
"What was she doing in the water?" Steve asked.
"Jarvis you scan her clothes anything stand out?" Tony said looking at the girl.
"It's made up of..."-Jarvis
"No Jarvis I need things that stand out not Normal"-Tony
"Blood of a different type was present."-Jarvis
"She didn't have her clothes on when they brought her and the only wound was the arrow so how did she get blood on her?" -steve asked as Tony wrote on a glass board.
"Listen here ice man if I really needed someone to question everything I already thought about I'd ask. Shut it. I'm thinking and your no help." -Tony tapped the glass board he wrote science stuff on.
"Water .... she was probably healing herself in the waterfall from the previous wound. That's why we couldn't find it." Steve said looking at the woman.
"That may have an affect. Help me put her in the tube."
"You would have a giant tube just sitting in your house."
"Sometimes I like to bath in it."
Steve looks disgusted at Tony.
"I wash it after okay."
They submerge her in the water and leave her in it.
"Jarvis monitor her while I go cook food." Tony leaves the room.
"I guess I'll be on guard duty." Steve sits and reads a random magazine about Tony left on the side table.
30 minuets later Jarvis notifies Tony that the woman healing process has tripled and she's about to wake.
Tony comes running in right when....
( POV Avinna )
I can feel my body floating back to the deeps.
I can feel my wound healing itself. I cough and open my eyes. "Mmm" I moan.
"Tony!" I hear a man yell.
My body burning. My organs screaming. Every ounce of me alert. I stand up fast and notice I'm in water and have wrappings covering my privates. "Who are you. And how dare you look at a princess naked!" I bring the water around me spinning like I'm in a tornado so they cannot see my body.
"Just calm down. We aren't going to hurt you." Says a blonde man.
And another man approaches me and touches the water. "Fascinating"
I whip him back with the water and the blonde runs to help him up and I take the chance to run to the door thing the dark hair man came out of.
The doors close and I see buttons on the side. I push the top one. And it moves. My breathing is hard and my legs feel weak from not moving for a long time. My adrenaline dieing.
The doors open and I see a bed room and glass walls around.
I run up to the wall and look out to see a city.
"Hey lady! We don't wana hurt you." The blonde man in the room.
I grab some kind of brown liquid from a glass container and I pull it into my hands and make it into an ice sword. "I demand to know Who are you?"
Then I feel something sharp go into my neck and I feel my legs start to give out. My sword becomes liquid and fall into someone's arms. "Wha wha di..."
"We gonna strap her down" the dark haired one catches my body.
I shed a tear and pass out.
[so guys this is obviously after the Thor was discovered and went back to asgard. I know steve didn't meet Tony till the avengers movie but I decided to change some stuff around. But hey why not let the beautiful ice man in early. ]

The Royal Asgardian
FanfictionAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...