Chapter 10

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As my body was getting stretched out the hammer slipped from my hands and was thrown somewhere else while I landed in a forest.

I felt out of place. Lost. The Mjolnir was gone. I have no idea where I am. I look around me. Thick trees surrounded me and to my right a water fall.

I cough a little to see blood. My breathing is upsetting me I look down to see a stick through my body.

My eyes open wide. My shaky hands grasp the stick. I wince. I start to wine. "Avinna you did this to yourself." I stand up. I breath in and out and in and out and I grabbed the stick and pulled it out of me "Arughh!!!!" I almost fall over. I start to loose balance and I fall over. Blood coming out faster.

I crawl over to the water fall. Each moment is a burning pain. I reach closer to the water. My life feels like it's draining out of me. My finger tips feel the cool water sensation. And with one pull I'm engulfed in heaven. I slowly strip my clothes off and I walk into the waterfall. "I gotta heal myself."

(Somewhere else in the world Thor)

"Blue sky... one sun... This is Earth, isn't it?" Thor spike to a woman.

"I think you may have hit him with the car one time too many." One woman spoke to the other.

"Let's get you some clothes." She spoke to Thor.

(Another area of the planet now called Earth)

"Agent Hill why are the alarms going off!" A man yelled.

"I'm sorry Fury I'm on it. Give me a minute." Agent hill replied.

The alarms were silenced and three things popped up on the screens.

"Well I'll be damned." A man walked up to the platform.

"Hello Agent Coulson." Agent hill greeted him.

"Agent Hill" coulson smiled. "Looks like we got three anomalies."

"Take Agent hill to the two closes and I'll send Natasha and Clint to the third." Fury told Coulson.


"What's up with you never wanting me to drive." Natasha looks to Clint.

"It's not you. It's me." Clint smiles and continues driving. "So Where was this anomaly located?"

"The map shows it's off the main road to the right side where the falls are." Natasha points. "Look there's the falls."

Clint parked the car and walked to the trunk.

Natasha opens it to show weapons of all sorts. She loads up and Clint grabs his bow and arrows and starts climbing the tree. "I'll scout the area."

Natasha rolls her eyes and closes the trunk. She slowly starts to walk down towards the anomaly sight to see strange designs on the floor next to a tree and some sticks that could seriously do damage.

She back up a little and steps on one. Noticing blood on it and a pile. "Clint. There's blood" she speaks into the com. "Clint." Silence. "Ugh. I'll follow it. You better be watching."

(Back to Avinna)

I'm sitting the heart of the falls still slowly healing. It's taking a lot longer because the travel through the bridge is draining.

I hear a crack. And I open my eyes. It's probably nothing.

A few seconds later I hear "clothes Clint clothes! Damn it do you see ahh.... a woman. The clothes looks like it belongs to a women."

Then she touches the water and I feel her presence.
And that's when I emerged and drag her into the water using the water she touched.

I pull her to me

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I pull her to me. I hear her yell "Clint! Shoot her!" As I grab her and hold her body up with water in front of me. I look to my left and right. "What is a Clint?"

I hear a man say "I am" and I look up to see an arrow go straight into my already healed wound.

"Auahhhhh!" I drop the woman into the water and clutch my wound and start to get blurry vision. "Wha wha what chju do..." I black out.

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