"Thor. Thor. Thor." I kick him lightly. He's pasted out.
"Where are you taking us?" I call up to the woman.
No answer.
"Will you eat us?" I ask
No answer.
"What is your name?" I ask.
No answer.
I look straight ahead "if you going to eat us i would at least like to know the beautiful lady's name. Also my brother, Thor is older. And therefor more seasoned and tender for he's used to being beaten."
She laughs. And I laugh with her.
"My name is Avinna. I won't force you to give me information... I just don't want to be food ." I smile at her.
"You won't be eaten and neither will he." She parks the ship and comes to where me and Thor are. "Sorry but I have to." She jabs something in my neck and puts cuffs on my arms.
"I won't run..." I look at her.
"Put this over your face." She hands me a mask. I obey. "Up. We're going to see someone."
We walk till we get to a circular room. There's a chair in the middle. She puts Thor's body on the chair. "Sit here." A foot away from Thor. I get on my knees and sit on my ankles.
"What will you do to us?" I ask nervous.
She walks away and The door behind us close.
My heart quickens but I steady my breath. "Think Avinna ...how can you save us?" I think.
Then suddenly I hear a click. Then another click.
The walls LIGHT UP bright. Blinding almost. a soothing voice speaks. "Fear not, for you are found. You are home, and there is no going back. No one leaves this place."
Thor awakens and struggles against his restraints As we move forward.
The voice continues "But what is this place? The answer in Sakaar.
The tunnel walls show images.
"A place surrounded by cosmic gateways,
Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown."Images of the wormholes that cover Sakaar's atmosphere.
"It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you. But here on Sakaar, you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved."
Thor extremely confused "What...the hell?"
Then the voice continues "And no one loves you more than the Grandmaster. "
Images of the Grandmaster, in silhouette, arriving on Sakaar.
"He is the original. The first lost, and the first found. The creator of Sakaar and the father of the Contest of Champions."
Images of the arena where aliens battle to the death.
"Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are the property of the Grandmaster. Congratulations! You will meet the Grandmaster in five seconds."
Images around the tunnel begin speeding up. Chaos, violence, and confusion mixed in with Grandmaster's face.
Thor, already bewildered, looks on the verge of panic. And I feel like throwing up from the motion.
"Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. You are now meeting the Grandmaster."
Thor SCREAMS! "Ahhhhhhhh!" Like he's on a roller coaster.
I throw up on the side.
We're Suddenly somewhere else, surrounded weirdos and insanely dressed palace guards.
His scream dies down self-consciously. And I wipe my mouth.
A musical beat plays in the background.
The grandmaster, a tall mysterious man in golden robes. He is looking right at us. He doesn't know what to make of us. He's curious, thrilled, revolted, and titillated.
Pulling back we see topaz, his trusty guard, at his side. Two Golden ladies loiter off to the side. Other strange guests can be seen in the background. Grandmaster just stares.
The beautiful woman from earlier stands beside Grandmaster. Finally he speaks "He's wonderful." He second guesses "It is a he?"
"It's a he." She says
My head is still spinning. I feel like my body and mind was put through a roller coaster. I focus on settling my body down.
The grandmaster smiles "Yeah. I love when you come to visit 142, you bring me the best stuff." (to Topaz:) "Whenever we get to talking, Topaz, about Scrapper 142...what do I always say? "She is the..." and it starts with a B."
Topaz nonchalantly says "Trash."
The grandmaster Shakes his head "No, not trash. Were you waiting just to call her that? It doesn't start with a "B."
Topaz then says " Booze hag. me. A contender."
I nod agreeing.
Grandmaster facepalms on the inside. "I'm so sorry. No, "best." I was thinking about "best." (to 142:) "Because I always say you're the best. She brought me my precious beloved Champion, you know."
Topaz "You say that every time she's here."
Grandmaster doesn't bother to react. "What have you brought today?"
Thor extremely confused "A what?"
The grandmaster smiles "I need to go closer. I want a closer look at this. Can you take us closer? Thank you."
Grandmaster advances on Thor. Examining him closely and strangely. Then "Pay this lady."
THor taken back "Just wait a damn minute. I'm not for sale."
"If you buy him am I freed?" I ask.
"Avinna!" THor Upset
I laugh.
Using all his might, Thor breaks out of his shackles, but the beauty zaps him again. Paralyzed by superheated veins.
"Oh brother... you never learn." I Stand. "What will you do with us if bought?"
The grandmaster ignores me. "Man. He is a fighter."
The beauty "I'd take 10 million."
Topaz rolls her eyes "Tell her she's dreaming."
Grandmaster looks to Lopez and says " For heaven's sake, transfer the units."
"Woah go brother. 10 million." I clap.
"Well you know." He smiles. Then reality sets in. "Wait . What about Avinna. She's is my sister. How much is she worth?"
"Oh the price for her is in the trillions. She's worth planets. Universes." He pauses. " she's Thanos prize."

The Royal Asgardian
FanfictionAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...