Chapter 101

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The Bifrost continues its journey, bringing the Hulk and I across space to Earth.

The anticipation is killing me. My second home. But sadness engulfs me for my family I left behind. I hold onto hulk seeing him change into Bruce.

Bruce looks at me finally awake.

"Don't freak out don't freak out!" I hold him still. "We are inside the bifrost on our way to Earth. if you move you'll end up somewhere else but earth. We must warn the Avengers that Thanos is coming for all the stones and.... to kill me."

Bruce looks around. "Where's Thor? Where's loki?"

Im happy Bruce is still alive and okay. I give a pathetic its going to be okay smile.

"Brace yourself!" We crash-land through the Sanctum stairs. Of dr strangers sanctum home. The Cloak of Levitation swirls around Strange's shoulders immediately.

Bruce trying to help the situation . "Thanos is coming. He's coming..."

I stand coughing a little.

Doctor Strange Sharing a look with Wong, and now fully in his mage attire "Who?"

"Thanos..." I look to them and hop out while they help Bruce out. " Thanos is a destroyers worlds. Planets. ... he is the one behind Loki's Nee York attack ... he is hunting for the stones... and he knows I'm someone who can stop him."

Doctor Strange looks at his necklace.

"Unfortunately I wasn't in much shape to fight after the blast... " I ball up my fist. "we were just fighting to save our HOME God DAMN it!" A sting in my heart .. "then Thanos appeared and Thor...., Loki...., And heimdall .... they.. they sacrificed themselves for us." Tears start streaming down my face.

Bruce bows his head.

Doctor strange puts a hand on my shoulder and I cry loudly in his chest. He holds me close and I continue to mourn loudly.

Everyone silently understands the weight of what I just said and been through.

"Where's tony" Bruce asks. "He can contact everyone and get them here."

"Wong locate tony. Avinna ... if you're our only hope i really need you to pull it together. Their Sacrifice needs to be worth something." Dr Strange looks into my eyes with determination.

I suck up my tears and nod. I step back and slap my face. "Okay..." I take in a deep breath. "Let's do this."

Wong comes back with a location.

Dr. Strange puts his left hand out and twirls the right in a circle in front of Tony And Pepper.

Doctor Strange Speaks "Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way."

I look to Bruce. "Wedding?" He shrugs.

Tony and Pepper are understandably shocked.

Tony bring snarky "I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?"

Doctor Strange ignores him "We need your help. Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake."

Tony not believing it one bit "And who's "we"?"

Wong "it's okay. Step through."

Bruce and I emerges from behind Doctor Strange. "Hey, Tony." He says and I wave.

Tony looks extremely surprised "Bruce." "Avinna."

Bruce "Pepper."

"Mrs. Potts" I smile.

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