Chapter 90

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*Ding!* the elevator opens.

"GET HELP! Please my brothers dying!" Thor yells out with a limp Loki hanging off his shoulder.

Four guards come over and Thor throws Loki into them knocking them out.

Thor chuckles "classic."

I return the water to my pouches and smile at the two. "Like old times boys."

"It's humiliating" Loki stands up and dust himself off.

"Not got me it's not" Thor smiles. "Now which ship is the one we're supposed to get?"

"The commodore. Last one on has to watch me fly the ship!" I run up to the ship but stop when I hear no foot steps. I turn as an alarm goes off  and see Loki at some guard station and Thor holding a key fob in his hand.

Loki then gets shocked and falls to the ground.

"Thor! Loki!" I run to Thor and he holds his hand out stopping me.

"Go and start the ship." Thor demands.


"Now." -Thor

I start to jog back to the ship and occasionally look at Loki.

I sit inside and see Loki's body lay on the floor convulsing.

Thor hops in the seat next to me.

"We can't just... they will capture him and kill him..." I look to Thor.

"He's still the same Loki. He was trying to get us captured for money." Thor runs his hand up the dash board turn on the boasters.

"Thor ..." I look sadly at Loki.

"It's just another ship." Thor grabs the handles and we take off.

The grandmasters hologram appears again. "Loyal Sakaarians. Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship. And my favorite champion. Sakaarians. Take to the skies and BRING HIM DOWN. Do not let him leave this planet."

A huge ship comes and starts shooting at us.

Val shows up and shoots it down.

"Thor I need water. My pouches don't hold enough for me to do long range." I stand up and look around.

Val tells Thor to open the doors.

Bruce flies up through the doors.

"Oh Bruce!" I help him up as our ship is getting shot at.

The grandmasters right hand woman comes in her own ship and starts shooting at us.

Bruce asks as he tries to stable himself. "Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?"

"Yes, we should." Thor looks around "where are the guns and stuff?!"

Val "there aren't any! It's a leisure vessel. The Grandmaster uses the ship for good times and Orgies and stuff!"

"Did she just said the Grandmaster uses it for orgies??" Bruce stands behind Thor.

Thor responds "don't touch anything"

I see a drinking cart. "This will have to do." I gather as much as possible to make my wings. "Thor. We are gona have to do it Old school."

Val ship is getting shot by the Grandmasters right hand woman. And as it blows up she flies into our ship.

"I can bring her in." I ready myself as the doors open.

"In a minute" she runs and jumps onto a ship shooting at us and kills the engine.

Thor gets up "Banner take the wheel."

Bruce "no. I don't know how to fly a ship."

Thor "your a scientist. Use one of your PhDs."

Bruce "non of them are flying alien spaceships!"

Thor looks at me with a smile. "For ASGARD!" We both jump out.

He lands on a ship.

And I fly to another.

He peels back the top part of the shops engine. And throws it into one of its boosters.

I sharpen my wing and turn sideways and cut the ship in half.

Thor hops on another ship and socks and punches at the engine till it smokes and the ship decelerates.

Bruce pushes some button that lets off fireworks and the ship following him crashes into a junk pile.

The last ship both Thor and Val is on and she steers it to Bruce. I fly right behind them and we all jump into the ship with Bruce.

I go and sit next to Bruce. "You did amazing Bruce. Great job on the fireworks." I pat his shoulder and take control of the ship from the right side. "Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus!" Thor and Val come join us. Amazed at the sight before them.

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