Everything Darkens as black clouds gather overhead. After a minute small arcs of electricity forming in the sky. Then loudest crack of thunder you've ever heard Of. In an
instant, Thor and Hela are engulfed in a bolt of lightning!KA-BOOM! Hela is blasted out of the lightning and sent crashing into the streets of Asgard.
All around Asgard, everyone looks up at this massive strike.
Soon after The BOOM! Thor lands hard on his feet. Muscles swollen, veins pulsing with electricity. A living storm.
Heimdall smiles a knowing smile.
Thor dives into the war. He moves like a bolt of lightning, surging through the army of Butchers in quick slashing bolts.
Valkyrie also charges into the ocean of Butchers. Wielding Dragonfang, backlit by the Pops of fireworks still going off. Valkyrie cuts a swathe through the relentless onslaught of Butchers doing Heavy damage.
At the middle of the bridge, Heimdall helps load the fleeing Asgardians onto the Ark.
Loki slashes through Butchers wielding his two long daggers. I shoot more ice shards out while helping passengers get on the ship.
In the water below, Hulk and Fenris wrestle in an colossal clash of fist, claws, and teeth.
Thor is wielding electrified weapons and blasting entire packs of Butchers off the bridge!
"Heimdall where's Hulk?" I look around unable to see hulk.
"The water." He points. "Getting close to the edge."
I nod and fly up.
Fenris has Hulk in his mouth, underwater Trying to drown the green goliath!
Fenris' teeth puncture Hulk's skin. He bellows out, thrashing. Hulk winds up and slams Fenris in the snout!
Fenris snaps back. I see Fenris is knocked off, plummeting off of Asgard into space.
Hulk grabs hold of the slippery rocks, desperately trying to climb back as water pours down on him.
"I got cha big guy." I form water around him and pick him up. I put him down on the bridge. "We still got a lot more to do."
Hulk nods and we run in yelling like warriors "ahhhhhhhhh" hulk Smashes in!

The Royal Asgardian
FanfictionAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...