Chapter 108

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I look out and see Steve looking at me.

I can hear everything but I am unable to move.

Avinna is held in a tank made to keep her body in a coma like state.

After Thanos snapped Avinna became very angry and she could no longer control her emotions. She had cause a huge wave to travel across the globe, causing much destruction to people homes and lives. She was close to being called a murder. That is something Steve and the others didn't want her to be.

"I hate this..." Steve looks at Avinna.

"She needs time." Natasha says from her desk. "She just needs to find her way."

"She had all this weight on her and she feels as though she failed." Steve says.

"We all did." Natasha looks at Steve.

"I mean personally my destiny isn't to kill Thanos so I mean she did fail us all." Rocket butts in.

Natasha eyes him.

He raises both arms like 'what'.

"I'm sorry steve." Natasha touches his shoulder and walks away.

Steve touches the tank.

It's been only a few days since the snap.

Things have been hard on earth.

Natasha had put up surveillance around the world to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

The the few times Thor visits Avinna telling her about new Asgard and how the people love coffee. New Asgard is by an edge with water. It was the closest thing to normal he found for the people.

"Avinna...." Steve looks at me. "Please... come back to me. We will fix this. We will find him. And we'll try again. Together."

My heart ached. Then I felt it. I felt something coming. I tried to move my body but nothing. I moved my fingers slightly.

"Hey ahh... I think something is up." Rocket says walking next to steve.

My arm fidgeted and the water made tiny waves.

An alarmed sounded and Nat comes running in. "Avinna Stop!" She goes up to the console and pushes some buttons.

I can feel my body to loosen.

Steve looks at Nat. "What's going on?"

"Something has entered our galaxy." She says. Natasha calls the team Steve, Thor, James, And Rocket.

"Let her out." Thor says as he arrives. "She can't be helpful if she's trapped."

The water drains down and I fall forward on to the floor. Thor covers my body with a blanket.

Suddenly a huge crash into the building. Next to Nat.

Natasha Coughs a little "You know there are doors."

"Who are you?" Steve puts up his fist ready for action.

Thor grabs his Ax.

"Where's fury?" She asks.

"How do you know Fury?" James asks.

"Years ago I crashed onto earth. Fury saved me and I saved him. My name is carol Danvers also know as Captain America." She looks to Steve.

Natasha pulls up the missing files on the holographic computer screen.

"Where were you when Thanos happened?" James asks her while Thor looks at her waiting to judge her.

"We're still putting together all the missing persons." Natasha gestures to the screen.

"I was to far away to get the distress signal from him. . ." She looks at the hologram of missing people only to see Nick on the list.

"Well... We need to know about Tony. I know he still out there." Steve looks around to everyone.

Natasha sighs. "We have no way of knowing where they are."

"Yeah, but she may be able to help." I say as I stand. "She's the fastest traveler. And she knows the galaxy. Thanos is a titan. Maybe we start with his home planet."

"After all Tony has always sacrificed himself for us. He's one to always bring the fight back to the source." Steve looks to us. "She our only hope. . . What do you say?" He looks to Carol "will you help us?"

She nods.

"Okay. So we've been tracking all movements around the galaxies and there was a couple of ships that just stopped all of a sudden. If they had a chance to escape they may have ran out of resources." Rocket pulls up a hologram of the galaxy around Titan. "Here's titan. And here are a couple ships. Check them out. Then if it's a no." He expands the map a little. "Then there are this ships."

Carol nods. "I promise to bring him back." She then turns to leave.

"I guess there's still so much we don't know about Fury." Natasha slightly laughs.

They all disperse. I walk to Thor. "Take me to New Asgard. I must see who is still with us."

"No you need to get better. Control yourself. Grow stronger. Because when we find that son of a bitch were going to kill him." Thor says with venom dripping from his voice.

He walks away from me.

"I was beginning to think you didn't care about me." Steve brings me out of my trance.

I look at him standing there with his arms crossed. "I could hear every word you said when I was in there. Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet. When this is all over then you can thank me properly." He smiles his million dollar Smile.

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