Thor and I Shoot out of one of these wormholes in the sky. He hits the surface, causing a cloud of dust.I fall on top of him my body tingling and out of whack due to the water I brought into the Bifrost.
Thor on his back and me readjusting my cells were surrounded by strange colorful space wreckage.
I stand up and move my arms the left circling down to up and the right up to down. I'm moving my white blood cells to repair the tears from going through the wormhole.
Thor still on the floor Looking up.
I look up too and see many wormholes. Then a large metal object falling from a different wormhole almost hits Thor but He rolls out of the way.
I helped him up. "Where's loki?" He looks around and I yell Loki!"
"I'm going to not assume he's dead again" Thor looks around. "Perfect planet for his cowering. Come sister. I hear noises." We run up a dune to get away from the shower of debris.
We reach the top of the dune and look around "Thor it seems we're in a strange wasteland, a filthy dune littered with space junk."
A loud noise draws our attention to a huge rectangular scrapper ship hauling a crashed space vessel out of the water. Beneath the ship are various scrappers, masked humanoids.
The ship is blasting weird alien music..
A Scrapper notices Thor, then signals to his crew.
"Blasted! Your big head Thor! Matches your big ego!" I push his head down.
One of the scrappers asks Thor "Are you a fighter or are you food?"
Thor just pushes me down and gets up and Smiles "I'm just passing through."
The scrapper then says "It is food. On your knees. Take the girl."
Thor reaches out to summon Mjolnir. A reflex. Nothing happens.
"The Mjolnir gone! Hell is unleashed on Asgard. Loki has yet to pay! And We're stranded!" I yell as I'm being dragged away.
The scrapper levels a rifle at Thor and BAM! A solid metal projectile knocks Thor flat on his back.
I some what feel the want to give up and I see Thor is too from being defeated and his baby destroyed . I know we needed a second wind so I look to Thor. "Come on. Hulk out." I taunt. More Scrappers attack, throwing nets and firing more projectiles. Thor tries to swat them away but they keep coming. The rest of the scrappers move in with iron bats and clubs.
WHOOSH! A second ship arrives, landing nearby. It's cool, sleek, and dangerous, deserving of its name Warsong.
It is also blasting different weird alien music.
The front of Warsong flips open and a plank extends down to the ground.The scrappers stop and stare as a beautiful and ruthless asskicker ascends out of it.
She lifts a half-empty bottle to her lips and chugs it. She finishes the bottle and smashes it on the side of her ship. "He's MINE." She says
She walks down the gangplank... before veering off course and falling straight off into a pile of trash.
"Oh god. She's plastered." I look to Thor to see the Scrappers shrug and start hauling Thor away.
"Wait!" She stumbles and staggers to her feet, takes a deep breath. She holds on to a piece of junk as support.
I let out a chuckle of air laughter.
Thor continues to struggle with his captors, tangled in nets.
She again yells "Wait! He's mine. So if you want him, you go through me."
The Scrappers start brandishing their weapons.
And the same one says "But we've already got him."She stands strong in front of her ship and Clangs her metal gauntlets together which activate. She holds out her fists as if she's operating machinery. Warsong Comes to life.
She clenches her fists and we hear a horrible screeching noise as Warsong Opens Fire.She sweeps her arms out in an arc, the spray of gunfire lasting three seconds.
She bangs her fists again, sending the ship into idle mode. The Scrappers are now little more than tiny pieces of litter covering the beach.
I look at Thor is fixated on this beautiful murderer approaching. I roll my eyes Jane Foster all over again.
One final huge Scrapper comes at her with a bat.
She casually grabs this Scrapper and hurls him up into the air behind her.
Thor says "Thank you."
From her belt She Flicks a small glowing disc which lodges into Thor's Neck. She turns to me. "Get on the ship or I'll shoot you too."
"Why should I? What did you do to Thor?" I ask.
She holds up a fob device and presses the button. The disc blinks and Thor is filled with the pain of a thousand screaming squirrels. He hits the ground, stunned.
"Alright!" I yell and I walk hands up into her ship.
She Drags Thor onto her ship.
I sit next to Thor. Thor's face is smashed up against glass. We drive past the garbage and some kind of capital city is shown - an eclectic city composed of salvaged items from all over the universe.
Thor's eyes lock in on her belt, specifically the fob device she used to activate the Obedience Disk/debilitate him. "Sister..."
"Yeah?" I look at the city amused such a thing could exist here.
"Get that device from her. The pain... t-Th-Th-the shock. It's excruciating." He pleads to me.
"She's not a normal person... she carried you on the ship with one arm Thor. One." I look up to her. "She's special." I Then look at Thor. "I like her." I smile.

The Royal Asgardian
FanfictionAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...