Bruce sits, groaning, head in his hands. Thor is beside him, rubbing his back and on the lookout for threats. "The sun's going down. It's getting really low. The sun's going down. It's getting real low."
Bruce yells "Would you stop saying that!?"
Thor puts his hands up "I just need you to stay calm."
"Calm!? I'm on an alien planet!" He yells at Thor.
"It's just a planet. You've been on a planet before." Thor reasons.
"Enough Thor! He is suffering! He's never been this far from home. He didn't grow up a planet jumper fighting wars like us!" I argue. "He's only ever been on one planet."
"Well... Now you've been on two. That's a good thing. It's a new experience." Thor smiles.
Bruce upset "My neurons, they're firing faster
than my brain can handle the information. The whole thing is totally different this time. In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel, but this time it's like he had the keys and I was locked in the trunk."Thor stands up "Alright, well, you're back now,
that's all that matters."Bruce stands up quickly. "No, it's not what matters. What I'm trying to tell you, is that if I turn into the Hulk again, Banner may never come back. And we're stranded on a planet that is designed to stress me out."
Thor rolls his eyes "We're not stranded, I'm gonna figure out a way to get us home."
Bruce looks relieved. "Thank you."
Thor corrects himself "Not your home, though. Asgard."
Bruce not happy "What?"
Thor "Listen, my people are in great danger. You and I, we have to fight this really powerful being who also happens to be my sister."
Bruce looks at me. "He's serious? I'm not fighting ..." to Thor "Okay, that is so wrong on so many... I don't wanna fight your sister. That's a family issue."
I look at Bruce "No, she's an evil being. She kills people because she simply can. She is what Hulk ...would enjoy fighting."
Bruce shakes his head "I don't care what she is. I'm not fighting any more beings. I'm sick of it. I just told you. If I turn into the Hulk, I am never gonna come back again. And you two don't seem to care."
Thor Speaks as I think of the weight we're asking of him "No, no. I'm putting together the
team. The Hulk is the fire."I quickly hit Thor in the chest and look at Bruce with sympathy and a sincere apologetic look.
Bruce taken back "Wait, you're just using me to get to the Hulk."
Thor "What? No!"
Bruce "It's gross. You don't care about me. You're not my friend."
Thor "No! I don't even like the Hulk.
He's all like... "smash, smash, smash." I prefer you."Bruce " Thanks."
Thor "But if I'm being honest, when it comes to fighting evil beings, he is very powerful and useful."
Bruce defends his name. "Yeah, Banner's powerful and useful, too."
Thor gives a questionable face "Is he though?"
Bruce bites back "How many PhDs does Hulk have? Zero. How many PhDs does Banner have? Seven."
Thor "Fine.." I quickly smack his mouth close.
I talk to Bruce " We won't force you to help us. But we're in danger here, so we have to move."
I grab two towels from the ground. I throw one at Thor. He puts the towel over his head. And I do the same.Bruce looks at us weird "What are you doing with that?"
I answer him "We need a disguise. We are fugitives."
Bruce gets nervous "I need a disguise."
I look at him up and down and point to the worshipers of Hulk posters "You are the disguise being yourself. No one knows who Bruce is."
Banner finds a pair of Stark's sunglasses in his jacket. "I'll be Tony Stark."
Thor "What?"
Bruce nods his head slowing and smirks "Yeaaah. Tony and the gypsies.
Thor shuts him down harshly "No, no you're not Tony. You're Bruce Banner."
Bruce upset now "Then why did you dress me up like Tony? "
"Because you were naked." I look down signaling at his private parts.
"Okay, I'll give you that." Bruce looks embarrassed.
We stand up. Banner adjusts his crotch over and over.
Thor "What are you doing? Stop doing that!"
"Tony wears his pants super tight!"
"Why are you being so weird?" - Thor
"I don't know. Maybe the fact that I was trapped for two years inside of a monster made me a little weird." Banner flashes green.
I hug Bruce. "I really sorry. You've been through so much. I cannot begin to understand being trapped inside ones self for two years.." I back up a little "I promise we will get you home. We just have to make a pit stop on the way there."
Bruce smiles and nods "okay."

The Royal Asgardian
FanfictionAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...