Bruce takes a huge bite of a huge sandwich sitting on Valkyries counter. He jumps up and walks towards Thor "Wait, whose anus are we going through?"
Thor puts one finger up "For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it."Bruce looks at me "That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge."
Val grabs a bottle and takes a swig. "we need another ship. That would tear mine to pieces."
I nod agreeing. Thor Speaks Up "She's right. We need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity."Bruce looks at Thor weirdly "And has an offline power steering system that could also function without the on-board computer."
Val starts speaking something about cup holders for drinks.
"Loki....are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I look at him knowingly.
Thor and Bruce and Val continue as I remember the Grandmaster. He's been all over the universe. He travels!
Thor and Banner fist bump as Val stares at them blankly.
Bruce says "We need a ship. Need a ship."
Loki and I say "the grandmaster ship."
He continues "Grandmaster has a great many ships. I may eve have stolen the access codes to his security system."
Valkyrie throws her bottle at him. It smashes above his head. "And suddenly you're overcome with an urge to do the right thing."
He smiles "Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster. In exchange for codes and access to a ship I'm asking for safe passage...through the anus."
Thor stands in front of Loki. "You're telling us you can get us access into the garage without setting off any alarms?"
Loki Smiles "Yes, brother. I can."
Bruce waves "okay, can I just... A quick FYI, I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us."
Val "He did try to kill me."
Thor nods "Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Yeah, it's me!" And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.
Loki suppresses a smile.
I laugh "I don't quite remember it that way. I remember the time he made a guard look like a maiden and you almost kissed him." Me and Loki laugh at the memory. Thor was drinking and looking for a bit of fun. The guard kept saying he was a man and Thor leaned it Loki removed the spell and.."
Thor yells "alright stop."
Me and Loki look at each other and laugh.
Val Smiles "If we're boosting a ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace."
Loki looks at Bruce "Why not set the beast loose?"
I slap Loki. "SSSShut up."
Val looks intrigued "You guys have a beast?"
Thor answers quickly "No, there's no beast. He's just being stupid. We're going to start a revolution."
Bruce "Revolution?"Thor shakes him off "I'll explain later."
Val looks at Bruce "Who's this guy again?"
I answer " We'll explain later"

The Royal Asgardian
ФанфикAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...