Chapter 72

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Sam stops James as we fly away.

"I hope their okay" I look back.

Steve flies the Quinjet towards mountains, Bucky sits behind him.

Bucky Speaks Up "What's gonna happen to your friends?"

I look down.

Steve stares ahead, heavybrowed. He sighs and shakes his head. "Whatever it is... I'll deal with it."

"No... well deal with it. We share the same responsibilities" I smile.

Bucky looks thoughtfull. "I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve."

Steve glances around at Bucky. "What you did all those years... It wasn't you. You didn't have a choice."

"And i know it's not easy personally. When someone controls your mind... you hurt the people you love." I sincerely look into Buckys eyes.

Bucky "I know. But I did it."

"All we can do is try to make up for it. And right now.... this is it." I hit his arm. "We're going to rewrite history."


Steve brings his Quinjet into land besides Zemo's caterpillar truck on the remote icy mountain top. The jet's wings fold up beside the fuselage.

On board Bucky pulls out rack of guns labeled 'Romanoff'. I open the compartment where extra water is stored.

Bucky takes a light machine gun.

We stand side by side together, waiting for the exit ramp to decend.

Steve Looks to Bucky "You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?"

Bucky Smiles "Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?"

Steve chuckles "You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead."

Bucky "What was her name again?"

Steve "Dolores. You called her Dot."

Bucky "She's gotta be a hundred years old right now."

Steve "So are we, pal." He clamps his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"And you guys think your old" I laugh and descend down the ramp.

As I walk towards the building I feel the tingle of the rainbow bridge.

I look back at Steve. "Don't come any closer!"

They both stop as the rainbow bridge opens and I look to Steve. And I'm beamed up.


I fly through questions feeling my mind. Who's summoning me at a time like this????

I fall in into Heimdalls arms. "Heimdall???"

"I'm sorry but their fight is not yours no longer. You must protect Asgard for a great danger is approaching. Go to Thor. Follow him." He tells me as I shed tears.

"I've missed you." I hug him tightly.

"I've missed you too little one. I've watched you for a while now. You've grown quite strong." He hugs me close. "There isn't much time. I wish there was but sadly time is not on our side."

I nod and wipe my tears.

"Follow Thor." He says as he pushes me to start walking.

"What about you?" I turn back. . . But he was gone.

I turn around and I walk along the rainbow bridge.

"Halt who goes there?" The guards ask but once I get closer their eyes open. "Princess Avinna!"

I smile.


As I walk up the stairs Father comes out. "Avinna??.." He looks amazed and surprised.

"Hello Odin. Father." I smile and hug him.

"You look like you've been in Hades. Wash up and we'll eat." He ushers me to the maids.


As I'm soaking in the rose water letting my wounds heal.

I make tiny figures of my friends.

And a water figure of Steve.

"I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye... I'm sorry I couldn't help more with Bucky and the ones fighting on your side." I shed a tear.

Steve then disappears.

"Lady Avinna???" A maiden comes in. " your dress is ready."

I nod and I stand up letting the water fall off me. I walk down the steps i can't help but wonder where Thor is.

I look in the mirror. "I am a warrior princess , mother would love it if I looked the part." I look at my hair. And just leave it along.

I wrap the dress around me. And walk out.

I step into the dining hall where father is seated

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I step into the dining hall where father is seated.

"Avinna!" Odin raises his glass.

"Lord Odin." I smile and take my seat. "What a feast." I smile awkwardly and take a huge drink of the wine. And a long silence feels the air. After the servers leave I start talking. "Where's Thor?"

"How did you return?" Odin stares me down.

"Magic." I sarcastically answer.

"I will ask once more tomorrow. Take the night to figure out the truth for I'm in a patient mood." Odin Stands Up and leaves.

I take a deep breath. I look up and sigh. "Thor... where are you... your sister is lost."

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