Chapter 45

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I look out the glass window and Thor walks over to me.

"Do you ever regret anything... that you've done....?" He leans against the window and stares at me.

I nod. "Of course I do. Not noticing Loki as children. Being on his side during the battle. Not being able to save him and frigga. Not stopping Tony when I was in the lab."

"And I'm sure there's many more." He stopped me.

"Why do you ask?" I look out again.

"Because.... if we never got involved.... earth kind would never be in this situation.." Thor shows off the scenery. "Tony would have never played Odin."

"We've all done things... you forgave Loki. Why not Tony." I stand in front of him. "I'm not saying now... but.... we must work with him to help earth." I hug Thor and walk away.

I walk into the lab. Steve motions me over.

"Hey how you holding up?" Steve looks me in my eyes.

"I'm holding. Thank you. .." I hug him close. "So any luck?" I look at the screens.

Maria points all around. "He's all over the globe. Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs, reports of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place."

Steve Steps forward with worry. "Fatalities?"

Maria "Only when engaged. Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see."

Steve Slams his hand down. "Maximoffs. Well, that makes sense he'd go to them, they have someone in common."

Maria "Not anymore." I watch as she hands Steve a tablet. I walk next to him and see a showing of photos of Strucker's dead body with the word PEACE written in blood on the wall next to him.

I run to the intercom and tell everyone to meet in the lab ASAP.

After we gather the rest of the team he shows them the photo of Strucker's body

Tony Gets handed the tablet. "What's this?"

Steve Looks around at us all. "A message. Ultron killed Strucker."

Tony Thows the picture to a hologram thing for all of us to see "And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us."

Natasha Folds her arms. "This is a smokescreen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?"

Steve Points strongly. "Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss."

Natasha Types on the computer. "Yeah, I bet he..." types more. "Yep. Everything we had on Strucker has been erased."

Tony Drops boxes on the counter. "Not everything."

the whole team starts to go through the physical files they have on Strucker.

Energy drinks and coffee washing down our throats.

Steve Starts reading aloud "Known associates. Well, Strucker had a lot of friends."

Bruce and Tony share a file. "Well, these people are all horrible." He Shakes his head.

Tony Stands fast "Wait. I know that guy."

Banner passes him the photo he was looking at.
"From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms."

Steve gives Tony an accusing look.

"There are conventions, alright?" Tony rolls his eyes "You meet people, I didn't sell him anything."

we see the photo is of a man named Ulysses Klaue.

"He was talking about finding something new, a game changer, it was all very "Ahab."Tony answers the question in our minds.

Thor points to the scar on the back of Klaue's neck. "This."

Tony Looks closely "Uh, it's a tattoo. I don't think he had it..."

I shake my head "No, those are tattoos, this is a brand."

Banner starts typing stuff to identify the brand on Klaue's neck on the computer ", yeah. It's a word in an African dialect meaning thief, in a much less friendly way."

Steve Feeling unsettled "What dialect?"

Bruce Looks at him "Wakanada...Wa...Wa...Wakanda."

Tony Folds his arms "If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..."

Steve Looks back at Tony "I thought your father said he got the last of it?"

Bruce very much lost now "I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda?"

I look at Steve's shield.

Tony Points to the shield. "The strongest metal on earth."

I look at Tony "so Where is this guy now?"

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