We had just finished dropping Thor off and were trying to locate Heimdall .
We see Heimdall leading the refugees out onto the rainbow bridge.
"Heimdall!" I call out. He stops. Sensing something.
At the far end of the bridge is Fenris ,The massive war wolf, is guarding the observatory!
He yells "Go back!"
The refugees turn to retreat. Fenris charges !
"Bruce!" I yell and point at the hound. He swoops the Commodore down in front of the people , Valkyrie manning the blaster and firing on Fenris, who stops his charge.
I de-cloak us. Bring the water into my wings reviling the ship to Asgard. I fly down and draw my sword.
As the refugees retreat, they come to a stop because Skurge Is leading an army of butchers behind them.
Heimdall and the refugees are now trapped on the bridge between Fenris and Skurge!
Skurge yells "Heimdall! The sword!"
The Butcher army charges.
Val and Banner hold the remaining Butchers off with gunfire.
Heimdall is looking toward the palace, concern for Thor. But his attention soon goes back to protecting the mass of humanity behind him. He looks out to the Observatory and I fly by his side.
Heimdall smile and then yells "We must cross now! To Bi-Frost! " Heimdall leads the refugees out onto the bridge.
Asgardians clash with Hela's Butchers.
I yell "for Asgard!!" I fly up swoop down to slash my sword bringing some butchers down then I drive my sword into a butcher and yell "is this all you got?!"
Valkyrie keeps raining down fire on Fenris, but it is doing no real damage. Just pissing the wolf off.
Fenris shakes off the bullets and resumes charging.
Heimdall sees Fenris charging and steps out in front of the refugees with his sword, preparing for the worst.
Valkyrie gives up shooting. "This stupid dog won't die!"
Bruce looks down at the carnage below. Makes a decision. He gets up and heads for the bay doors. "Everything's going to be okay. I got this. You want to know who I am?"
Val looks at him weird "What the hell are you talking about?"
Bruce simply says "You'll see." Bruce leaps out of the ship!
Bruce soars through the air. It's an awe inspiring image as we follow Bruce's trajectory downwards. His face is determined, arms churning, ready to Hulk out... except it doesn't happen. Worry washes over his face.
SPLAT! Bruce face plants the bridge, seeming to break every bone in his body. He looks dead.
"Bruuuuce!?" I yell worried as I'm fending off a butcher. "Huuulllk wake up!!!" I drive my sword into three butchers. And use my wings to cut two in half on the sides of me.
Fenris sniffs Bruce curiously.
Bruce suddenly explodes up as the INCREDIBLE HULK!
Bruce upper cuts Fenris in the jaw! Hulk is now in a wrestling match with a beast four times his size. They go tumbling into the water below.
Heimdall looks at me "Thor's plan ?"
I nod. "Thor's plan." We both laugh.

The Royal Asgardian
FanfictionAvinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him. Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...