Avinnas world was destroyed by Thanos upon hearing of a girl who can destroy him.
Thanos set out to kill the girl and her planet. Her parents sent her to Odin before he could kill her. Because Thanos was to weak to fight Odin and his army he retrea...
As Avinna kept training her hair grew and so did her power. Loki taught her to dance while learning magic while Thor taught her to use her sword accurately.
"One Day Avinna and we face what we've been training for." Thor smiles at Avinna.
"What the hell do you mean we ? I'm the one who has to fight haha"
"You'll do fantastic. I know you'll be alright." Loki touched her shoulder.
She smiles and hugs them both. "Thank you. For believing in me. I would still be locked inside. Looking down at you guys living life."
"You should get rest dear sister." Thor kisses Avinna cheek and walks away.
"Do not fear. For tomorrow you will be a victor." Loki reassures her and walks away.
[Avinna POV]
I look to the waters. Feeling the need for a swim. Water always cleared my mind and made me feel safe.
I dive in the water taking in the refreshing waters. My mind clears and memories of my planet. My home. My parents come to mind. My life as Odins child. The days of playing and growing up with Thor and Loki.
Soon I feel hands pull me. And I'm brought out of my trance.
I'm pulled up to see maid and A guard. "I'm sorry my lady but it's getting late and the queen has told me to fetch you for your fitting."
I nod and we walk to the fitting room.
"Avinna... sweetie. I know tomorrow is important to you. I know you really want to do this. And you can. I won't stop you. But understand Odin isn't just thinking of your safety. But of all realms he watches. Thanos is still out there. With you getting stronger the easier it is to find you." Frigga hugs Avinna "we love you and want you to be safe. But Odin does not wish to endanger all realms because you remain selfish."
"Mother I'd I become strong I can fight Thanos and fight for those who simply cannot." I look sincerely into Friggas eyes.
"Finish her fitting. Make her look like the finest warrior of all warriors." Frigga states and walks out the room.
I sigh and lift my arms as they undress me.
The next day I woke to horns dedicating today to be one of importance.
After they put my armor on I walked out my room to be greeted by Loki. "My my my. A mighty warrior stands before me."
I smile and take his arm. "I'm nervous Loki. This decides my fate of my life."
We start walking "yes it does. I won't sugar coat that. But it also shows the father that your not weak." Loki squeezes my hand in reassurance.
We walk into the warrior chambers. "I will let you prepare. Make us proud mighty warrior."
I stare at my reflection. My armor a bright silver and blue like water. A white head crown and a sword that glows upon my touch.
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(Her armor)
"You can do this. Just remember your making your destiny. Freedom or safety." I look at my hands. " they taught you to be tough. Strong. Stop being nervous ." I ball my hands.
I grab my sword and walked to the gate.
A horn sounded off and I walked out to a crowd cheering.
I walk to the center to be treated by the lady sif.
She bows to me and we turn to Father sitting on his throne.
"Today is a day to see in which Avinna will continue to fight for Asgard physically or mentally. Avinna will fight the dear Lady Sif. I wish you both luck and begin!" Odin announces.
I turn back to her. "I just want to say I'm sorry for dragging you into this."
"I worked hard to be here. I'm glad for this. Never thought I would fight a princess." Sif smiles and readied herself.
"Yahhhhhhh" I ran to her sword ready to strike.
Clink clink clink ! Our sword hit over and over. Finally she kicks me and I fly back.
"What's wrong princess? " Sif kicks me again and sends me flying farther. "Daddy's not going to help you now." She hits me with the back of her sword busting my lip. Then grabbing my foot and throws me across. "GET UP AND FACE ME LIKE A WARRIOR!" Sif yelled.
I had ringing in my ears and cheers were heard. I heard Thor yelled "Avinna kick her Ass!" I slowly stood up. Loki came into my mind "dance with the motion but the power with the intent to save your ass." I smirked and gathered my sword.
"I am NOT going to be a weak little girl anymore!" Water wrapped it self around me as I ran towards sif. I jumped with my sword ready to strike her and she raised hers to strike mine.
My sword flew out of my hand and she ready to aim for me again but I enveloped her with water and threw her to my father.
Thor caught her and I turned to my father "I AVINNA am NOT weak. I AVINNA am a WARRIOR of LiSola Di Loreto (I'm using the floating water castle of Italy as her home world name) and I want to be a Warrior ASGARDIAN!" I wrapped my lower half in water and brought myself up to my father.
I bowed down to Odin "please accept me Odin as a Warrior."
Odin stands. "Avinna is the victor!" Everyone cheers loud. He raise his hand and quiets everyone " Avinna stand. A deal is a deal. Odins laws are never broken. You have won fair and square."
I smiled and Loki and Thor and even lady sif hugged me.
"But!" Odins voice boomed. "Remember. Your a protector now. Do not hurt or endanger anyone or any realms." Odin and mother get up and leave.
"Oh my god! It was amazing what you did!" Sif said while hugging me.
"I'm sorry I threw you." I apologize
"It's okay. I hurt you pretty badly too" sif said looking at my face.
"We should get her to the doctor." Loki says as Thor picks me up.
"My sister is Quite amazing!" Thor smiles as he takes me to the doctor.