ethereal v.2

109 14 7

and my fingers can
barely keep still,
i'm sure they have eyes of their own
every time you're near
itching for a taste

my lips start to move
but nothing comes out
because you're already
speaking and i wouldn't
dare talk over you

this is all so surreal
because the moment i met
you, i didn't think much of it
but you can't starve me for
an instant, you're my achilles heel
every time you're gone, i fall

your laugh
oh, your dark eyes
and the way you smile
your voice is a weakness
and you know it too

i'm opening up pandora's
box and the contents are
ripping free
it's unwise i know, to
bend over backwards just
to get a look at you

i could never hurt you
because any person who hurts you
i deem unworthy to even
be in your

i try to curse myself
for loving you but i
find nothing wrong with
simply wanting you

'what makes you so different' you ask
i repeat the question and
swish it around on my tongue
because i know, god damn it, i know
you're different because you snuck up on me
like a thief in the night, and stole my most
prized possession
my heart

//and you haven't a clue as to what you do//


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