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i want to meet

a tough girl with
laser beam eyes that
light something inside you
that just might never go out
everything about her strikes you
in some way or another, she is splitting
she is earth shattering

a gentle boy with
honey soaked hands that
soothe the broken bones and
raw wounds, he doesn't touch you
with his fingertips, he touches you with
his mind. he is soft yet
he is the strongest person you know

the girl across the bar
the lights almost seemingly shining
on her, on her on purpose. it's almost as if
someone's telling me "go to her, i think she might want to talk to you"
she makes eye contact with you a couple times
her back straight and her eyes smiling
she is beautiful

the boy in the back of my class
with the cashmere sweater and brown hair
he's colorful in earth tones, the forest green eyes connect perfectly to the tan freckles showering his cheekbones
lips almost pale against his skin tone
but he's almost perfect
it'd be perfect if i could perfect
the colors he is washed in, in my sketchbook

there has to be something wrong with me, the ability to fall in love with people i haven't even really seen. there's something that's telling me i'll never be able to stick with one person for too long, i'm always afraid there's someone else out there. a lonely boy sitting at the bar with a story to tell me or the backboned girl sitting at home, waiting for me to tell her everything she needs to hear. there's something wrong with me
because i think i'm in love
with everything
and everyone
i see

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