
44 3 15

it's so sad
how someone can be
floating endlessly
in waters they've treaded
for centuries

it's so sad
how someone can be
at home, safe and sound
in their surroundings
and suddenly

the steady, heavy ground
beneath your feet caves in
falling endlessly, soundlessly
shock stills, soaking you
so you say nothing

for no one would ever suspect
you dying in the arms of a lover
would also be the main play,
to be the victim of
foolish romance is preposterous

to fall at the hands of your significant other
only to witness the - your blood slick on his fingertips, will it ever dry? everyone always assumes he tried his hardest to resuscitate, yet he only watched as the life seeped right out of your eyes

oh, to be the victim of romance in a place you called home, to be held recklessly, lifeless in the arms of someone you used to call your lifeline

oh, how sad is it for amblers to be so impressionable, his unsuspecting lies cradled in the rafters, he enclosed them enraptured and enamored by the mere sight of his soft features. he was but a boy dressed in finery, roll up his sleeves and thorns graze

how tragic to close your eyes and feel safe between arms

how tragic to close your eyes and furrow your brow, burdened by the overcoming sense of intense false security

how tragic how someone can gain your trust so slowly and quickly unravel your resolve with a single choice, you wonder if he was weary of betraying your trust. you take back your claim as you notice the look sharpening his attributes

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