im sorry im selfish

72 8 6

you haven't answered in days
and i'm starting to wonder
if you left me, just like
i left you all those times

i tell myself you wouldn't do that to me
but if i did it to you
what makes me so special?
how selfish of me to think
i can leave and you can stay.

                                                      it's a push

       and pull

                              type of thing
i'll stay until February
and disappear all too soon

i'll lay in bed
and think if you're doing the same
i'll count the days
and wonder if you're doing the same

                                                       it's the tide
         rushing over me

                                           and you
trying to make this all new

i could plead with myself
but that's the only thing i'll do
you could ask me and beg me
but you'd never know when i get the feeling
to go

i would get the feeling
to stay another day
but               d           r          a           g
myself away

look v
i promise someone better is out there
you see
i can't stay knowing i'm keeping you away
from a love you might never know

i hope she loves you more than i can
and i hope she lets you in more than i ever did
but a small part of me

                                          hopes you miss me

as much as i'll miss you


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