Chapter 47!

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Chapter 47:

*Justin’s POV*

I saw Y/N covered her mouth and ran upstairs, so I quickly followed her. I pulled her hair into a ponytail and waited for her to finish throwing up.

“Baby, are you okay?” I asked concerned,

“Yeah, I’m fine” she said as she dried her mouth,

“Are you sure?” I asked her,

“Yeah, I’m perfectly fine, I just need to wash my face and then I’ll come downstairs again” she said, I nodded my head and walked out of the bathroom and made my way downstairs again.

“Is she okay?” Ariana asked,

“She says she's okay, but I don’t really believe her” I said. Khalil’s eyes grew wide,

“Dude did you guys have sex last night?” he asked me,

“Yeah” I said as I blushed,

“Did you use a condom?” he asked me. My eyes grew wide and I looked at him. Did I remember to put a condom on? I can’t remember a thing!

“I don’t know man” I said, we can’t get a third child, Y/N is only 19 and I’m twenty and we have plenty in the two we have now,

“Dude you better have her take a test!” he said. I nodded my head and ran upstairs again. I pulled down the door handle, but it was locked,

“Baby open the door!” I said as I knocked on the door. I heard she unlocked the door and opened it. She already had a test in her hand,

“Are you pregnant?” I asked her,

“I don’t know yet, we have to wait five more minutes” she said, I pulled her in for a hug and she hugged me back, “Justin we can’t get another child! We already have two and they’re enough right now” She said,

“I know baby, but if you’re pregnant we can handle it” I explained,

“But what if we can’t?” she asked me,

“I promise you we can! I’ll stop touring for the next few years, and I’ll be home with you all the time” I told her, she looked up at me and gave me a little smile. I hugged her and kissed her forehead several times.

We continued to hug for about 10 minutes. The test was done, I looked at the test first, Negative

“Baby you can look” I told her as I kissed her cheek, she took the test and looked at it, then she sent me a smile,

“Negative” she said in relief, “I probably just had too much to drink last night” she said and kissed my lips. 

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