Chapter 54!

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*Justin’s POV*

I stood and talked to my dad by the end of the aisle, I was so nervous. What if I did something wrong?

“Calm down son, you’ll be great” my dad comforted. I took a deep breath and looked down at the aisle, mom walked towards me in a fast pace,

“Oh good Y/N is so beautiful, I’m just so happy” she squealed. I smiled by the thought of Y/N in a wedding dress.

“We’re about to start” the priest said, I nodded and found Luke, Khalil had him in his arms,

“Hey buddy, are you ready?” I asked him, he looked at me confused, I smiled and took him,

“So bro are you ready?” Khalil asked me,

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see her, I can’t wait to know that she’s mine forever, and I’m hers” I smiled,

“Wow dude you’re totally in love” Khalil said and patted me on the shoulder. Ryan was my best man so he had our rings; I had got the rings engraved with Always and Forever without Y/N knowing.

I found my place and soon after ‘A thousand years’ by Christina Perri started playing and everyone stood up.

First Ryan and Elena walked down the aisle, then Ariana and Chaz, then Miley and Khalil and then Demi and Alfredo, then Jazmyn and Jaxon, then Ella and Za, Za had Ella in his arms as she spread rose pedals, in a beautiful pink color. Then finally my gorgeous bride walked down the aisle, mom was right, she was beautiful, no she was perfect. She had the biggest smile on her face, and tears of joy running down her cheeks. We locked eyes, I had the biggest smile, and I was about to cry of happiness. Finally she came to the end of the aisle, she met me in a sweet and passionate kiss, Y/N took her hands and held them on my jawline. We pulled apart and put our foreheads against each other,

“I love you” I whispered,

“I love you to” she whispered back, I dried her tears and pecked her lips. We turned our head towards the priest and he started,

“We are gathered here today to bring these two young people together in a beautiful marriage” he started,

“And I will now ask you Y/F/N, do take Justin Drew Bieber as your husband?” he asked Y/N,

“I do” she said happily,

“Do you promise to love and honour him now and always?”

“I do” she said again,

“Now I ask you Justin Drew Bieber, do you take Y/F/N as your wife?”  The priest asked me,

“I do” I said as I looked at Y/N,

“Do you promise to love and honour her now and always?” he asked,

“I do” I said again, Y/N looked at me and slowly bite down in her bottom lip,

“And now the rings” the priest said,  Ryan gave us the rings, first he gave me Y/N’s ring,

“With this ring I promise to love you every day the rest of our life’s in sickness and health, I promise to protect you, to be the one who’s always there for you” I said as I pulled the ring on her finger, Y/N got the ring with ‘Always’ engraved.

Then Ryan gave Y/N my ring,

“On this day, I give you my heart, My promise, That I will walk with you, Hand in hand, Wherever our journey leads us, Living, learning, loving, Together, Forever” she sobbed with a smile, she pulled the ring on my finger.   

“Then, I declare you hereby as man and wife to be. You may now kiss your bride” The priest smiled. I pulled Y/N close to me and kissed her, this kiss was not like any of the others we ever shared, no this one showed all of our emotions, all of our love for each other, and in that moment I knew that we were meant to be. We slowly pulled apart and everyone started to cheer, even Luke was clapping his hands together. I send Y/N a ‘let’s run’ look; she winked and took my hand. We started running and I looked back, all of our guests ran after us, my mom had Ella in her arms, and my dad had Luke. I lead Y/N to this hill with a view over the ocean.

“I can’t believe we’re married!” I said and pulled Y/N into me,

“Neither can I!” she said. I took her up in bridal style and twirled around,

“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” I shouted. Y/N giggled and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, she giggled lightly and kissed my lips,

“shh we cannot have the others find us” she said, I smiled and sat her down,

“you look gorgeous, no you look perfect” I complimented. Y/N looked down and blushed.

“I wanna get away, just the two of us for a week or two” I told Y/N,

“Justin we can’t. We can’t leave Ella and Luke, and we can’t avoid your fans anymore. We have to realise the fact that you’re a world known pop star” she explained,

“ Come on please! We could go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower and all kind of things, and if a belieber comes up to me, then I’ll take a picture, but he and she has to understand that I’m on my honeymoon” I explained. Y/N got a smile and nodded her head,

“Okay baby, just the two of us” she said,

“Yeah just the two of us”  I smiled. 

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