Chapter 72!

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“So tell me what happened” Elena asked me as we sat down on the couch.

“Everything just seems to go the wrong way for me” I told her, “Justin was flirting with the doctor today” I continued,

“He flirted with Dr. Evans?” Elena asked

“No, no, Dr. Evans is on vacation, so we had Dr, McKenzie” I told her,

“Oh the bitch with the big and visible boobs?” Elena asked,

“exactly!” I said,

“She tried to flirt with Ryan to” She said,

“Wow she’s a hoe” I said,

“Yeah, what about we tell the hospital about her?” Elena smirked, “Then she’ll get fired, we’ll have the boys as witnesses” she continued,

“Yeah, what a great idea” I told her with a smile,

“She aren’t gonna get away with flirting with our men” Elena said, “Well now let’s talk about something else! How is it going with the pregnancy?” she asked me,

“Great, we are excepting a baby boy more” I squealed,

“OMG really?” she asked,

“Yeah, even though Dr. McKenzie is a slut, she told us the result” I said,

“I’m so excited, have you thought about any names?” she asked,

“I really like the names Noah and William, so maybe one of them, but we’ll see what Justin likes” I smiled,

“wanna go to your house and maybe watch a movie with the boys?” Elena asked me,

“Yeah, I would like that” I smiled. We stood up and then I picked up my bag and we went outside to my car, the car is actually Justin’s, but he let me drive it.

“In about a month I won’t be able to drive anymore” I laughed,

“that’s 2 months for me” Elena smiled,

“are you really that far?” I asked her,

“Yeah, 2 months” she smiled.

We arrived at me and Justin’s house. We got out of the car and then walked inside. We took our shoes off and then made our way into the living room. There on the couch was Justin and Ryan with a baby on their chest, and Justin had Ella beside him. She was snuggled into him and was in a deep sleep, they were watching a Disney movie.

“Ryan, what if she leaves me?” Justin asked Ryan,

“she won’t, she loves you and you love her, besides that you have two, soon three beautiful kids together, you’re the best baby makers together” Ryan said, I smiled and ran over to Justin,

“baby I won’t ever leave you!” I told him as I hugged him,

“Baby you heard that?” Justin asked,

“Yeah, every single word, and thank you for the flattering words Ryan” I smiled,

“I had to say something to make him cheer up” he tried to explain,

“yeah right” I said as I rolled my eyes.

I took Ella in my arms and then started to walk upstairs,

“You can take Penelope upstairs to Ella’s room” I told Elena, she nodded her head and took Penelope from Ryan’s chest, she quickly kissed his lips and then she catch up with me. We walked into Ella’s room and laid both of them in Ella’s bed, they quickly snuggled together. I couldn’t help but take a picture of them.

I went on Instagram and posted the picture,

“They are both waiting for a baby sister, or baby brother:D” I wrote in the description.

“Do you hope to get a girl or a boy?” I asked Elena as we were walking down the stairs,

“I hope a girl more, because then she will be able to use Penelope’s old clothes” Elena smiled, I nodded my head and then went into the living room again, this time to take Luke up to his room.

When I came downstairs again, Justin was picking another movie, Elena and Ryan were cuddled up, and I only waited for Justin to sit down, so we could cuddle to. He sat down and I quickly laid my head on his shoulder.

“I love you” I whispered to him,

“I love you to” he whispered back, the movie started, and of course he choose a scary movie.

Half way through the movie, I was on top of Justin, hiding my head in his neck. Justin pulled my head out and took my face in his hands, he leaned in and soon after our lips met in a sweet passionate kiss. Justin swiped his tongue over my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, Justin slipped his tongue in my mouth and I moaned by the feeling,

“Wow you guys, please don’t have sex on the couch” Ryan said, I scoffed and kissed Justin on the lips again,

“I can’t help it Ryan, Y/N makes me horny” Justin said after we pulled out of the kiss, I laughed and looked down, so they couldn’t see me blushing,

“Sadly for you, you have to wait a few months, before you can get sex again” I smirked,

“But you can always give me a blowjob” Justin said, I laughed and shook my head,

“In your dreams” I told him.   

How about never! - a Justin Bieber fanfiction (completed)Where stories live. Discover now