Chapter 171!

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After sitting in the living room with everyone, Justin wanted to go upstairs and lay down. I helped him up the stairs, slowly. I helped him down in the bed and then I found my phone and called Ella. I did not want to go into her room and interrupt her up when she was skyping with a friend from her school, but I had to. Justin wanted all our kids to come into the room and watch a movie with us.
“What mom?” she asked me when she picked up the phone.
“End your conversation with Emma and then come into Daddy and I’s bedroom,” I told her shortly, before she could answer me, I ended the call. I walked into Evelyn’s room and told her and Luke to come into the bedroom. Apparently, her and Luke were playing a game on the iPad, so they were together. Then I went into Ella’s room and saw Ethan was sitting on her floor as he played with some toys.
“Are you coming?” I asked her as I picked Ethan up.
“In a second mom!” she said,
“Mom?” I asked her,
“Yeah, I’m not a kid anymore, so I don’t call you mommy anymore!” she told me,
“Oh, you’re defiantly still a kid! Ella you are 8! 8 years old!” I told her, I walked over to her and saw she that she was still talking with Emma.
“Hey Emma, Ella needs to go now” I told Emma and then I closed Ella’s MacBook.
“MOM!” Ella asked,
“It’s mommy, and now you’re coming with me, Ella. Your dad wants to be with you, after we have been at the hospital for hours he just want to be with you!” I told her.
“Okay, but only for daddy!” she told me and then she walked out from her room and into Justin and I’s bedroom.
I sighed and then walked into the bedroom.
I saw Ella was being all-sweet to Justin, she saw me and send me a glare. I sat down under the covers and Justin started the movie.
“What’s up with Ella?” Justin asked me,
“She’s mad at me, she thinks she’s a teenager, but she is only 8!” I whispered back to him, he nodded his head and then continued to watch the movie. I looked down in the foot of the bed and smiled when I saw Luke and Evelyn already sleeping.
“Ella, you need to understand that you are only 8, you’re not a teenager, and I get very sad when you don’t treat Mommy with respect” I could hear Justin whispered to Ella. Ella gulped and nodded her head.
“I was just acting all weird because I was talking to Emma, I don’t want her to think that I’m not like her, she barely talks to her mommy and when she does they’re always fighting” I could hear she whispered to Justin.
“Maybe, but you’re not like all the other girls, you’re way better, you do not need to change, you should feel comfortable about being the person you are” I heard Justin tell her.
“Thank you Daddy, I love you and I love Mommy too,” she told him, I lightly smiled and I could see Ella noticed,
“I’m sorry Mommy” she told me, I smiled and nodded my head.
“It is okay baby, I forgive you,” I told her, she smiled and crawled over Justin so she could lay in the middle. I wrapped my other arm around her and kissed her forehead and then we continued to watch the movie.
“Mommy, I love you” Ella told him, I smiled and kissed her cheek.
“I love you to sweetie, more that you’ll ever know” I told her.               

How about never! - a Justin Bieber fanfiction (completed)Where stories live. Discover now