Chapter 82!

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*A few days later*

Ella and Luke had been at Pattie’s house for a week now, we were going to pick them up today, and then we would go to our new summer cottage. Pattie would be coming with us, so why we couldn’t just meet each other there. Justin’s explanation was ‘Mom doesn’t know where it is, so we have to show her the way’. We arrived at Pattie’s house and walked directly inside, we never knock on the door anymore.

“Hey mom!” Justin shouted, she came walking out through the door with Luke on her arm.

“Hey are you ready to leave?” I asked them, they nodded their heads and Pattie handed me Luke, I had Evelyn in a car crib, she was sleeping. Pattie came out with a suitcase and her purse.  I walked to the car and buckled Luke in his car-seat. Ella got in be herself and buckled her own seatbelt; she was sitting in the front because I wanted to look after Evelyn as we drove.

“Daddy where are we going?” Ella asked Justin,

“We are going to our new summer cottage” Justin explained, Ella nodded her head and Justin started the car.

*At the summer cottage*

I got out of the car and stretched my whole body, Justin said the summer cottage was in LA, but not in the other end of where we are living! I took Evelyn; I smiled at her and then walked inside the house. The house was perfect, everything was practically made of wooden, it was perfect. 

“Mommy how long are we going to stay here?” Ella asked me,

“We’re staying here all summer, so come on let’s go pic you a room” I smiled, she nodded her head and quickly looked at Evelyn,

“Am I going to sleep with Evelyn?” she asked,

“not yet honey, she has to be a little older, just like you” I told her, she nodded her head and pecked Evelyn on the forehead, she ran upstairs and I quickly followed her, I found her in a room with a lot of pink,

“I guess someone had been here before us” I winked at Ella, she nodded her head and ran downstairs, “Thank you thank you Daddy” she yelled, Justin laughed and picked her up. He ran upstairs with her in his arms.

“Do you like it? I was here the day when I said I was going to the studio” Justin explained, Ella nodded her head and I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek,

“It’s a lovely house baby” I told him,

“I’m glad you like it, know let’s go see our room” he smirked; I shook my head and laughed a little. We got to a very big room, it had a king sized bed with white silk bed sheets and a small couch where I could sit when I was nursing Evelyn, there was a beautiful wooden crib beside the bed, it had a summer duvet for Evelyn with princesses on. I looked at Justin, I sat Evelyn down and ran over in Justin’s arms, he lifted me up and spans me around,

“I’m sorry for being so negative about this summer cottage, I love it and I love you” I explained, I kissed Justin’s lips and we walked over to the bed and lied me down. He got on top of me and then we started to make out. We pulled away when the sound of Evelyn crying came through our ears. Justin crawled off me and walked over to her, he picked her up and rocked her back and forth, he walked over to me,

“I think she’s hungry” he said, I nodded my head and pulled my shirt up, he gave me Evelyn and I started nursing her, Justin sat behind us and wrapped his arms around me. Ella, Luke and Pattie came in through the door and sat down,

“Is the room down the hall mine?” Pattie asked, Justin nodded his head,

“thank you son” she said and kissed his cheek. Ella and Luke crawled into bed and admired Evelyn eating.  

“What do you wanna do?” I asked all of them, Justin looked like he got a brilliant idea,

“We could…..”.   

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