Chapter 99!

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*The next day*

I woke up at 8 am to get ready for a girls day with Elena, Ryan and Justin were going to have a boys day together, but they promised to watch the kids, all of them! Elena and I were going to buy some baby clothes for the twins, and then we were just having a fun and cosy day.

“What about this?” I asked Elena, we were looking at dummies for the little ones. Elena nodded her head and picked some.

We finished buying baby clothes and then went to Forever 21. Elena and Ryan were going on a date and Elena wanted to buy a new dress.

“I don’t think you can find something in here, you’re getting a pretty big baby bump” I told her, she sighed and then nodded her head. We found a store who sold clothes for pregnant women’s.

Elena found a really pretty dress, it was a tight black dress that hugged all of her curves and it showed the baby bump a lot, but it didn’t matter. Elena squealed and went to pay. I smiled at her and then walked over to her.

“OMG you’re Y/N and Elena!” a young girl behind the desk said, I laughed and nodded my head, “I’m such a big belieber and I totally ship you and Justin, you are the cutes and your kids are so damn perfect” she squealed and then looked at Elena, “And you and Ryan are so perfect for each other, I heard you’re getting married” she continued. Elena looked down blushing, she nodded her head and laid the dress on the desk.

“The dress is on the house” the girl said, I shook my head and hurried to lay the money on the counter before Elena could do it. Elena gave me a glare and crossed her arms. I smiled and the girl gave me the dress in a bag.

“Are you and Justin going to have another kid?” she asked, I made wide eyes,

“Do I look pregnant?” I asked her worried; she quickly shook her head and looked down.

“No, of course not! I just asked because Justin told everyone on Twitter how much he wanted another child with you” he explained, I breathed out and hugged her,

“Thank you! How could I not see that tweet?” I asked, the girl shook her head and looked at Elena. Elena was filming all of it and she was smiling like an idiot, the girl hugged me again and then asked for a picture. I nodded my head and took a picture with her.

“Give me your Twitter name and then I’ll follow you” I told her, she screamed and gave me her name,

“Well bye Bieberlover16” I said, and she smiled and waved. I took Elena’s dress and then we made our way out of the store.

“She was the cutest” Elena smiled; I nodded my head and smiled to.  

“Okay, I made a reservation at the best stylist in town and while you’re getting you makeup and hair done, I’ll get my hair dip-dyed in an Ombré colour” I smiled, Elena squealed and hugged me as tight as she could. We walked to the stylist’s store and sat down.

After we were done, Ryan picked up Elena and took her out on the date. Justin and I agreed to babysit Penelope. Since we drove to the mall in my car I could stay a little longer. I walked to a tattoo shop and asked if they could make a tattoo on the inside of my finger. The female tattooist nodded her head,

“What would you like to get made?” she asked,

“I thought about getting a G clef on my ring finger on the right hand” I said, she nodded her head and found the machine. I knew it was going to hurt because there is no fat where I want it. I took a deep breath and the tattooist started making it. After 40 minutes she was done.

“Can I maybe get three hearts on the outside of my left hand?” I asked her, she nodded her head.

“Actually make it four hearts” I said,

“Can I ask why?” she asked, I nodded my head and gave her a smile,

“Well, I want three hearts for my kids and one for my husband and then I can continue if I get a child more” I explained, she nodded her head and started making the hearts. She finished and I paid,

“Could I possible take pictures of your tattoos for our Instagram side?” she asked, I nodded my head and let her take the pictures.

“Okay, the next few days the tattoos will her a little, but with this cream you’ll make the pain disappear” she said, I nodded my head and took the cream.

“Thank you for such an amazing service” I smiled, I hugged her and then went home.

I walked inside and made my way into the living room. Justin was sitting on the couch with Evelyn in his arms, Luke was sitting beside him and Penelope and Ella was on the floor playing with dolls. I cleared my throat and got Justin’s attention. His eyes got wide and he quickly stood.

“Is someone looking sexy?” he said in a whisper so the kids wouldn’t hear it. I giggled and hugged him; Evelyn was still in his arms so I took her and kissed her small nose.

“She has been crying almost all day” Justin sighed, I smiled and rocked her back and fourth, she quickly fell asleep.

“She’s definitely mommy’s girl” Justin smiled; I nodded my head and then sat down on the couch. I was so busy watching Evelyn that I didn’t hear Ella calling my name.

“MOM!” she screamed, I looked at her and shushed at her. She crossed her arms and sat on the floor. Evelyn woke up and started crying.

“See what you did Ella” I said kinda angry with her. Ella stamped on the ground and started making her way upstairs.

“Why did you get a baby more, you’re only paying attention to her!” She screamed and then ran upstairs. I sighed and handed Evelyn to Justin. I ran upstairs and into Ella’s room. She was sitting on her bed. She was crying and the guilt filled me up.

“Baby, I’m so sorry” I told her, I sat down beside her and hugged her tight, “It’s just because Evelyn needs a lot of attention because she’s a little baby and not a big girl like you” I explained, Ella sobbed and buried her head and my chest,

“I just want to be with you and when I called your name you didn’t hear me because you were looking at Evelyn” she cried, I pulled her onto my lap and hugged her tighter.

“I’m so sorry baby, I love you and I hope you know that” I said, she nodded her head and soon her crying slowed down.

“What about we tug Penelope, Luke and Evelyn in and then you can stay up and be with daddy and me?” I asked her, she looked up and smiled; she nodded her head and hugged me,

“I love you mommy” she said, I smiled and picked her up, I walked downstairs and placed her on the couch,

“But baby, you have to understand that if Evelyn starts crying mommy or daddy had to go up and check on her” I said, she nodded my head and I kissed her lips.

“Good then I’ll just tug the little ones in and then we can watch something” I told her, she nodded her head and crawled over to Justin. I took Evelyn and kissed Justin’s lips.

“Okay Luke and Penelope it’s bedtime” I said, they stood up and walked upstairs like I did.

After I tugged them in I made my way downstairs. I sat down beside Ella and started watching a movie with her and Justin. Justin walked over to us and laid down on the other side of her. He looked at me and I looked at him. I smiled and then cuddled into Ella, Justin did the same and I could see Ella started smiling.           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope you liked the chapters @cutiekelly10 - they were all for you :D :*

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