Chapter 128!

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Ella was starting in school today! I can’t believe she’s so big! We had made sure that Pattie would come and be there with us when she would start. I finished getting ready and then walked downstairs to make the kids and Justin some breakfast.

Once I was done they all came downstairs, I smiled and looked at Ella. Then I walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

“Mommy what are you doing?” she asked me, I smiled and a few tears ran down my cheeks.

“I’m just so proud of you! My little baby is starting in school” I cried, Ella pulled out and looked at me like I was weirdo.

“Mommy is it the hormones?” she asked me, I nodded my head and smiled; she smiled too and then hugged me.    

“It’s okay mommy” she told me, I lightly chuckled and dried the tears.

Then the doorbell rang so I hurried out to it and opened it. Pattie stood in the door and when she saw me she pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged her back.

“It has been too long since I saw you guys” she smiled; I smiled and gave her a little squeeze.

“Are the rumours true?” she asked as she looked at my belly. I nodded my head and laid my hand on my belly.

“OMG! Another grandchild” she said as she laid her hands on my belly. I smiled and then pulled her inside and into the kitchen,

“Hey guys” she said as she saw the kids and Justin. Ella and Luke stood up and ran over to Pattie.

“GRANDMA!” they both yelled. I smiled and then went over to the crib where Evelyn was laying. I picked her up and then handed her to Pattie.

“Hey princess” she said and she held her up in the air.  Evelyn started squealing and took her arms up and down. Pattie took Evelyn down and laid her and her shoulder. Evelyn grabbed her hair and then put it in my mouth. I started chuckling and slowly took her from Pattie’s arms. Then I sat her on my hip and walked over to the table and sat down. Pattie took a tissue and then dried her hair. Then she walked over to Justin and kissed his cheek, it was a really wet kiss. Justin pulled his head away and made a disgusted face, then he took a tissue and dried his cheek, then he looked up and pouted.

“Why did you do that?” he asked her, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“I haven’t seen my son in over a month! Can’t I at least give him a kiss on the cheek?” she told him, he nodded his head and smiled.

“You can, but not such a wet kiss” he told her, she nodded her head and hugged him tightly.

“Oh and congratulations” she told him with a wink. Justin blushed and looked down.

“Thank you, you know how much I wanted a fourth child” he told her, she nodded his head and then sat down beside him.

After we ate we went to get the rest of ourselves together. Then we walked downstairs and I found Ella’s new backpack. I had bought her this backpack a long time ago, but I remember how much she talked about it when she was little. I found Evelyn and gave her the backpack.

“MOM you remembered it!” she told me with a smile, I nodded my head and walked over to her. Then I gave her a tight hug and kissed her cheek.

“Why are you such a big girl?” I asked her, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know? Ask daddy” she told me, I chuckled and gave her the backpack on. Then I laid the most basic stuff in it and then took her hand. We walked downstairs and saw the other waiting for us.

Once we arrived at the private school we quickly got out of the car because we were running late, typical me and Justin! We stood on the parking lot, when Justin suddenly stopped walking and turned Ella around.

“Can daddy have a kiss before we go inside?” he asked her, she smiled and nodded her head and then puked her lips. Justin pecked her lips and then took her on his back and gave her a piggyback ride inside. Pattie had Evelyn in her carry cot, and I had Luke in my arms. He was tired because he wasn’t used to get up this early.

“Mommy, do I have to come inside? I’m so tired” he told me, I smiled and laid his head on my shoulder.

“You better get used to it baby, it’s soon your turn” I told him, he yawned and closed his eyes as he snuggled his head into the crock of my neck. I smiled and walked inside with Pattie.      

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