Chapter 95!

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“Hey Elena” I greeted as we arrived to the photo-studio, Elena had Penelope in her arms, and if you looked closer down to her belly, you could see a small baby bump,

“OMG you’re pregnant again” I squealed, Elena nodded her head and a really big smile formed on her lips.

“Yeah, and you should’ve heard Ryan when I told him” she giggled, “he was freaking out, in the good way” she continued, I smiled and hugged her, after the hug she sat Penelope down and she immediately ran over to Ella, Ella and her hugged and it was so adorable. Elena hugged Justin and then took the kids with her into the dressing room. Justin wrapped his arm around me and then we walked over to the photographer,

“Hey I’m Fernando and I’m going to take pictures of you two” Fernando said, we shook hands and then sat down,

“First of all, congratulations” Fernando started, I smiled and thanked him, “Okay, you wanted me to take some pictures of you, you want them to be intimate and full of love, then you also want to have them sweet and romantic, am I right?” he asked, I looked at Justin and we both nodded our heads, “good, okay I’ll show you some ideas and then we’ll get you ‘dressed’ and ready and then take pictures” he continued, I nodded my head and then kissed Justin’s cheek really fast, he looked at me and then intertwined our fingers,

“thank you” he whispered in my ear, I blushed and looked down,

“you welcome” I said, he kissed my cheek and then Fernando came back with all kind of ideas for our pictures.

After 30 minutes of looking on ideas we finally got ready for the shoot. I had been getting a spray tan, so I was sure about my skin colour. A stylist made my hair and makeup and when she was done she walked out of the room so I could undress myself. After I undressed myself down to my bra and panties, I took a robe on and then walked out of the room. Justin was talking to Fernando when he saw me, he smiled and walked over to me,

“You’re so beautiful” he whispered in my ear, I blushed and giggled, I pecked his lips and then we started taking the photos. Half way through the shoot he had to get totally naked, Justin hurried to cover my body with his body, so Fernando wouldn’t see anything,

“Justin it’s okay, he is a professional” I whispered in his ear, he scoffed and continued to cover my body. Justin turned me around so we stood chest to chest, he looked down at me and pecked my lips, Fernando started taking pictures again and 2 hours later we were done. We got dressed and then looked at the pictures. Elena and then kids were sitting with us, Evelyn was in my arms, Luke in Justin’s, Ella was sitting beside me and Penelope was in Elena’s.

“The pictures are amazing” Elena whispered in my ear, I nodded my head and then smiled,

“I know, and the funny thing about all of it was that Justin had a boner all the time” I whispered back, Elena chuckled and I did too. Justin looked at us rather confused; Elena and I just shook our heads and continued to look at the photos. 

After we found the best ones, it was time to go home, Elena would go with us and then Ryan would join us later for dinner. As we got home I hurried to put Evelyn in her crib in the living room, Ella ran upstairs with Penelope and Luke sat on the couch with us, he didn’t join us in our conversation, no he found his Ipad and then started to play on it.  

“So, how is it to plan a wedding?” I asked her, “I never tried it myself” I giggled and looked at Justin, he kissed my lips and I could see that Elena smiled,

“Well you two lovebirds look so adorable, well it’s amazing, Ryan is so understanding about everything I want to do at the wedding, he helps planning it and yeah it’s amazing” she squealed, I smiled and looked at Justin,

“When is Ryan planning on coming?” Justin asked,

“he said about 5 pm” Elena smiled, I looked at the time and saw it was about 5 pm,

“Then he’ll be here any minute” I said, Elena nodded her head and then looked at Luke,

“What are you playing?” she asked him, Luke looked at her and then looked down again,

“Flappy bird” he said, Elena nodded her head and laid her hands on her baby bump,

“How long?” I asked her and looked at her baby bump,

“3 months, we were planning on telling you guys as the first, but you left for France and yeah then we had to plan the wedding and suddenly we’re sitting here” she said, I nodded my head and then smiled,

“It’s okay, I understand” I smiled, Elena nodded her head,

“Wait!” I said as I sat up, I was having my head on Justin’s chest, “You say you’re 3 months pregnant, then you’ll know the gender” I squealed, Elena nodded her head and looked down,

“We’re having a boy” she smiled, I stood up and went over to her and gave her a giant hug,

“I’m so happy for you guys” I squealed, Elena started laughing and I looked at her with a confused expression,

“I wasn’t finished” she said, I looked at her with the confused expression again, “We’re having a girl too” she smiled, I covered my mouth and hugged her even tighter,

“TWINS!” I squealed, Elena nodded her head and laid her hand on her belly,

“I totally don’t understand girls” Justin breathed, Elena and I laughed and looked at each other,

“first you started giggling when we looked at the pictures and now you’re totally freaking out over twins” he said, Elena and I giggled again, “What were you guys talking about at the shoot?” Justin suddenly asked, Elena and I looked at each other and cracked down laughing,

“nothing” I finally said, Justin stood up and walked over to me, he started tickling me and soon I was on the floor with him on top of me,


“I’m not stopping until you tell what you were talking about” he laughed, he started tickling me even more and Elena was just looking at us,

“OKA-OKAY” I laughed, Justin stopped and looked at me, “We were talking about how you had a boner on all the time” I laughed, Justin covered my mouth and looked at Luke,

“Shh” he said, I laughed and removed his hand,

“it’s not like he understands what we’re talking about” I laughed, Justin shook his head and Elena started laughing,

“You two are the cutest” she said, Justin looked at me and smiled, he leaned down and kissed my lips with so much passion. Soon after he asked for permission and I let him in. I forgot about Elena and started to deepen the kiss even more,

“okay, okay lovebirds, wait until you’re alone” Elena said, Justin and I pulled apart and looked at her,

“Okay, then I’ll finally get some again” Justin winked, I blushed and covered my face,

“Get off me fat ass” I said with a smile, Justin pouted and got off me, he sat down beside Luke and looked at the Ipad, I walked over to him and kissed his lips,

“I’m sorry baby” I said, Justin smiled and pulled me down on his lap. I was about to kiss him again, when the doorbell rang.     

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